School Work

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The only sound that pierced through the deafening silence. Not even the tick of a clock dare defy the lone sound of the rhythmic tap of a boy steadily hitting his finger on his desk. He sat slumped back in his chair and stared at the edge of his wooden desk, bored out of his mind. He had nothing more to do, for he had finished all his given school work for that particular class. So he sat, tapping his finger to the ever so faint tick of a clock, that couldn't be heard.

His messy coal black hair fell into his face, as his pale ice blue eyes peered through the slightly tangled locks. He wore the usual school uniform; a black blazer with a white formal button up shirt underneath, a red tie with a black and white stripe running down the edge, and of course black dress pants. The uniform complimented him, unlike most boys at the boarding academy. Though, all of the black clothing made his pale skin stand out.

The boy was lost in random thought when, "Niko!" The teacher called out sharply. The boy groaned and sat up in his chair, looking over to his teacher's desk where she sat. "Yes Mrs. Farley?" He asked. The teacher, Mrs. Farley peered at Niko from behind her large desktop monitor. "Why are you just sitting there? I did a sign work for you to do, didn't I?" She questioned harshly as she glared with cold eyes. Niko only rolled his eyes. "Because. It's called I'm done."

"Excuse me?!" The woman shot back, her voice full of disapproving surprise.

Niko sighed. "Did you seriously not hear me? I said I was finished with all of the work. What else am I supposed to do?"

Mrs. Farley stared at him in astonishment. Bewildered, she blinked once. Twice. Finally she came to her senses. Grumbling something under her breath, the woman arose from her chair, and stalked to the front of the classroom. Niko watched her walk along, with an emotionless gaze. She cleared her throat.

"Well, Mr. Niko," she almost never called him that, or by his last name. "since you are finished with all the given work, why don't you come up and share your answers?" She gave him a challenging look.

He smirked and narrowed his eyes. Then, within seconds, returned to his impassive state. He held no expression, though there was a slight glint of mischief that lingered in his eyes. He shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

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