Chapter One

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When Wakatoshi and Tendou first met, they thought the search for their soulmate was over. It wasn't hard to figure out. The pain they shared constantly lined up. The stinging on their arms and hands from constant blocking and receiving. Whenever Tendou got hurt, Ushijima felt it, and vice versa. It couldn't have been easier. Until one day, Tendou skipped out on practice to take a test after school, while Ushijima stayed and worked with the rest of the team in the gym.

Ushijima was mid serve when suddenly he felt a random pain on both his hands and knees, causing him to swing too late and miss the ball completely. While his teammates poked fun and teased him, Ushijima's thoughts went to his other half.

He must have fallen.

There was no more pain after that, so Ushijima assumed he was fine and returned his attention back to the court. It wasn't until he met up with Tendou after practice, that he brought it up.

"Tendou, you should be more careful. I can't focus on practicing if you keep getting hurt. It's distracting."

Tendou looked up at his partner confused. "What do you mean? I thought that was you."

And then it clicked. The boy's eyes shot up to one another, sharing the same shocked, yet knowing expression. They weren't done. Not by a long shot. There was a piece missing from their otherwise perfect puzzle.


"How could we not realize sooner!? We're the worst soulmates ever. They're out there right now, Waka!"

"I'm sure they're fine. We'll find them." Ushijima tried to reason with his frantic partner. This news was definitely a shock to the both of them, and while Tendou grew more agitated, wanting to find you as soon as possible, Ushijima remained calm and collected, going for a more reasonable approach. "We just have to wait. They're our soulmate after all. They'll come into our lives sooner or later."

What they hoped would be sooner, turned out to be later. Much later. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months, and eventually months turned into years, with still no sign of you. The only reassurance they got were random pains brought on throughout the day. A small reminder that you were still out there. That you were still waiting. And it was driving them both crazy.

The older they grew, the more desperate they grew. While Ushijima remained calm, knowing one day they would find you, Tendou grew angrier, unsatisfied until he had you. It wasn't until a few years after they knew you were out there that they found you when they least expected it.

There was a competition for a few of the schools in the area. Boys teams, girls teams, high schools to colleges. If you played volleyball, you were welcome to compete and improve your skills. And while their school wasn't participating, they thought it was a good idea to watch and scope out the competition.

The boys watched intently at the matches before them, making small comments of improvement as the players went on. Neither was a school that either of them had ever heard of, but they still watched with interest.

"Next up, we have a boys vs girls match-" The announcer began, but Tendou didn't wait to listen. Already starting to get bored he began leaning over to Ushijima.

"Wanna head out after this match? It's getting kind of late."

Ushijima said nothing. Only nodded before turning his attention back onto the court. Both teams showed promise. Giving it their all, to throwback every ball hit their way.

"Hey, their wing spiker's not half bad," Tendou praised.

"He has power, yes. But no control. Only about 20% of his spikes actually make it within the boundaries."

As if to prove Ushijima's point, the spiker hit another ball, this time right into one of the opposing players' faces. While most of the crowd cried out in shock and worry. Ushijima and Tendou cried out for a completely different reason. They cried out in pain. As soon as the ball made contact with your face, the two boys felt it, as if they had gotten hit as well.

"Ow, ow, ow... fuck! That hurts." Tendou cried out, palm placed over the side of his face where you got hit. Ushijima was more silent, while still in just as much pain, he was less vocal and just groaned. Wincing and hoping the stinging would die down a bit as the seconds passed. As realization sunk in, both of their heads shot up to make sure you were okay.

They panicked slightly seeing you curled up on the floor, your teammates and coaches gathered around to make sure you were okay. When you finally stood up, they released a breath they didn't even realize they were holding as relief flooded through their bodies. You were okay, they reassured themselves. After a short huddle with your team, and what looked like a lot of arguing on your end, you walked back onto the court as if nothing had happened, and continued on with your match.

"They're not going to check in with the nurse before continuing?" Tendou shouted out, confused by your rash actions. "Why is their coach letting them continue? They need to be checked out. They could have serious injuries."

"Maybe, they're okay to continue."

"You and I both know they're not okay. Fuck, it still hurts. How can you even focus on a game when you're in this much pain? It's obvious they don't know when to quit, Waka."

Ushijima was never one to laugh, but he had to admit it was amusing watching Tendou worry about you so early on. They hadn't even met you yet, but he was already scolding you for not taking better care of yourself. He's not going to lie, Ushijima is also concerned, just not as vocal about it as Tendou is. He couldn't help but worry at the thought of you being hurt, it wasn't his fault. The three of your soul connections were strong. He was certain that you were the one. They both were, and they couldn't wait to finally meet you.

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