Chapter Two

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As soon as your match ended. Both men made their way to the gym doors to greet you upon your exit. For a second they thought they were too late. Finding no sign of you, or your team. Luckily their height had its advantages as they were easily able to look over everyone until they spotted you stopped at a water fountain further down the hall.

You continued drinking, completely oblivious to the two giants that stood towering behind you. Patiently waiting for you to finish your drink. When you did finish, taking a deep inhale to catch your breath, and quickly wiping the spare liquid off of your lips, you were more than surprised when you turned around. Being caught completely off guard, by the two intimidating strangers.

Ushijima was the first of them to speak up. Probably picking up on your slight confusion and looking to calm your nerves.

"That was a great game you played. My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi." He spoke up, extending his arm. You smiled, giving his hand a quick shake and responding with your own name. His hand was much larger in comparison to your own. After introducing himself, he motioned to the redheaded man next to him, "This is-"

"Satori Tendou," the man cut in, "That was one nasty hit you took out there, shorty," Tendou smirked, leaning down a bit so you were making direct eye contact. "How's your head feeling?"

"Oh, it didn't hurt as bad as it looked," you laughed, embarrassingly rubbing at the back of your neck. Both men gave each other a quick glance, each one thinking the same thing. Liar.

"Thank you for your concern," You bowed, "but if you'll excuse me, I should get back to my team. Our next match will be starting soon." As you went to dash off in the direction of your court, you were pulled to a halt when Ushijima's hand wrapped around your arm, holding you firmly in place.

"You shouldn't jump back into the game so soon. You need time to heal and make sure you don't have a concussion. Let us walk you to the nurse's office."

You were caught off guard by this stranger's interest in your well being but ignored it. Chopping it up to him just being a nice guy. "I really am okay. Thank you. It doesn't even hurt anymore."

Again with the lies. They knew it still hurt. Fuck, they still felt the pain from where the ball made contact with your face. It slightly diminished from the beginning, but it was definitely still there.

"Listen. If you get checked out, and the nurse gives you the green light, then we promise to let it go. Plus, you won't do your team any good if you play with a head injury. You'll only hold them back, so it would be better for everyone if you just play it safe. The faster you get checked out, the faster you'll get to jump back onto the court. You can trust us. We've been in the game for a while, and I'd be lying if I said I haven't gotten a few balls to the head myself," Tendou joked.

You stood quiet, glancing at the ground as the two men stood patiently awaiting your response. You sure were a stubborn one.

"Okay." You nodded, allowing the two to lead you in the direction of the nurse's office.

"Wasn't really a choice, but we appreciate your cooperation nonetheless."

The office wasn't too filled, so you actually got helped faster than you thought you would. Which was great since you were eager to get back on the court.

"Any head pain?" She asked sweetly. To which you shook your head.

You heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and looked over to see Ushijima and Tendou looking over at you sternly from the corner.

"Umm... maybe a little." You corrected, sheepishly.

The old lady smiled. "Okay, hun. Can you do me a favor and hop up and try to walk in a straight line for me?"

You got up. Following her directions and trying your best to walk as straight as possible, but found yourself losing your balance ever so slightly.

"Alright, go ahead and take a seat for me again, and I'm going to check your pupils real quick." The second the light met your eyes you felt yourself flinching away, finding the small flashlight to be almost blinding.

"Well, I think that settles it, my dear." The woman frowned. "It seems you have a slight concussion, but don't stress too much. Nothing some over the counter pain meds and rest can't fix. Unfortunately, that does mean no volleyball for at least a few days. Your brain is going to need some time to recover and we can't have you worsening your injuries."

You didn't even look over at the two boys, already knowing a look of 'I told you so,' would be clear across their faces. It really sucked that one good hit would take you out of the game. Especially since you were really hoping to get the practice in with competitions starting up again soon. You hung your head low, making your way out of the office, and heading back to the gym.

"Where are you going?" A deep voice questioned from close behind.

"Back to the gym. Even if I can't participate. I still want to cheer them on."

"Why do you keep on lying to us? We know it still hurts. We feel it."

You froze. Looking back and forth between the two men as the weight of their words slowly began sinking in. " both...the two of you..."

"Yes, we know this must be a shock Y/N, and your concussion probably isn't making this any easier for you," Ushijima began, before Tendou came in. Abruptly cutting him off.

"But we are your soulmates. So there's no point in trying to cover up your pain because we know how you feel."

You definitely weren't expecting this when you woke up. You knew you would find your soulmate eventually, but you weren't expecting to have two. Sure it's not unheard of. In fact, you've seen quite a few people with more than one soulmate, but that being said, you never thought that you would be one of them as well. Especially not now.

You didn't have time for a relationship. Not when you're gaining such a steady momentum in your volleyball progress. Plus you were never a big believer in soulmates, to begin with. When you were younger, sure. Who didn't dream of getting swept away by their future love? But as you grew older, reality started coming more into light, and you learned that however bright one's love can glow, it can also go completely dark just as quickly.

You've even seen it happen to one of your friend's first hand. They were so happy when they found their soulmate, they looked like they were on top of the world. But as time progressed, their soulmate fell in love with another, and their once unbreakable love for one another slowly began getting chipped away at with every small fight. Until both of their hearts completely shattered. It hurt you to see them go through that, and you never wanted it to happen to you.

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