leebury 27

66 2 2

We are going to igbore this👍

-background: all first gen, alex,george,lee, thomas ect, are drunk at a Halloween everyone except sam and george-

Lee: *backs sam into the corner when no ones paying attention*

Sam: *blushes at how close he actually is*

-were gonna say nothing happened in the corner--

-later at home-

Lee: *wakes up with no clothes with a pounding headache*  *looks at sam*

Sam: *fast asleep wearing lees shirt*

George: *had texts lee 100 times telling him to bring sam over*

-they go-

George: sam why did you let what happened last night happen

Lee: *not remembering anything* what happened.

Sam: it doesn't matter.

George: sam why

Sam: because I knew only you and I would remember and if anybody asked I could say I was drunk

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