Welcome, to the End.

45 3 13

"What do we do now?" Atsushi rested his chin on his hand and leaned up against the table next to the register. 

"What do you mean? The store isn't closed yet, we're still working," Akutagawa replied. 

"No, I mean...I still am technically spying..." 

"Oh," Akutagawa nodded. "I don't think you really have to worry about that." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Master Dazai has probably already taken care of it after I told him your reason." 

"You told him?!" Atsushi stood up straight and stared. Akutagawa was still facing forward. 

"Technically I only asked because he asked me to. Otherwise, I might've just killed you after he told me." 

"Is that so?" A bead of sweat ran down Atsushi's forehead. How reassuring...

"Akuuuuuu!" Dazai opened the door and plopped down on one of the display mattresses in the front of the store. 

"Yes?" Akutagawa walked over to him, tempted to poke his head but refrained from doing so. 

"Gin is fine...but she didn't want to come home with us no matter how much we tried to convince her!" Dazai pouted, kicking his legs and slamming his arms down on the mattress.

"Where did she go?" 

"She went to work with that fluffy hat bastard..." Chuuya shrugged. 

"Oh," Akutagawa nodded. "I wonder if she has a type too..." he muttered, bringing his hand to his chin and pondering. Why go for the real Dazai if Akutagawa's already claimed him? Instead go for Dazai 2.0: Fyodor. That's might be a viable explanation. 

"Are you sticking around for good this time?" Chuuya crossed his arms and looked towards Atsushi. 

"Uhm..." Atsushi scratched the back of his neck. "Probably? If that's...okay." 

"He still doesn't look like he's it in him to hurt anyone. Are you sure you want him hanging around the likes of us?" Chuuya looked at Dazai, still acting like a defeated child. He ceased kicking his legs and flailing his arms. Dazai turned his head to look up at Chuuya. 

"As if he has any choice in the matter," Dazai snickered. "He's already in too deep." He glanced at Akutagawa. 

"Oh, is that it?" Chuuya squinted, shook his head, and then shrugged. "If you say so." 

"Welcome to the Mattress Firm," Dazai sat up and held out his hand towards Atsushi. 

"Pleasure to work with you..." Atsushi bowed slightly towards the three of them. 

"Right, well," Chuuya grabbed the back of Dazai's collar and dragged him off of the bed and out of the room. "We've got things to do." 

"More like you want to be done," Akutagawa muttered. 

"Don't act like you're so special," Chuuya smirked and slammed the door to Dazai's office. 

"What did he mean by that?" Atsushi asked as Akutagawa went to his spot by the register. 

"I believe he is talking about our arrangement." 

"But we don't do anything while working..." Atsushi's pinks turned a light shade of pink. 

"No," Akutagawa's lips curved slightly for a small smirk. "But, we could." 


The door to the front opened and Kyouka walked through. She looked around, not having heard the rumors about the Mattress Firm, and barely noticed the guy standing behind the register. She wanted to buy a new mattress since she had recently moved into a new place, but she wasn't sure what style she liked so she laid down on various ones.

Kyouka noticed the person standing behind the counter and walked over to him. His face was red and his breathing seemed a bit strained. Did he have a fever? He was gripping the side of the counter tightly.

"Are you interested in buying a mattress?" he asked. His face still getting more pink.

"Are you okay? You don't look well..." Kyouka asked him.

"I'm fiiine," he insisted, clutching the counter's side even tighter than before.

"I'm looking for a mattress, do you think you could tell me a bit more about them?" she asked him. He looked concerned for a moment and then looked down.

"Tooo be ho-nest," his voice cracked and his face became even more flushed. "I don't know that much about m-ah-ttresses."

"I can help you," another male stood up from behind the counter. He wiped his mouth of something and then walked around the counter to assist her. She didn't too much about what he was doing, behind the counter, on the floor...but about halfway through his explanation of the third mattress, her mind pieced together all of the pieces.

"Oh!" she gasped, and then covered her mouth.

"Is something wrong?" he asked her.

"Uhm. No, it's just...I realized that I, uhm, forgot my wallet at home so I'm gonna just...come back," she explained awkwardly and rushed for the door. "Sorry to interrupt- I mean bother you..."

"This is why I said we should start using the closet..." Atsushi held his face in his hands, unable to handle his embarrassment any longer.

"We can't just leave the store unattended..." Akutagawa shrugged.

"Then let's wait until after the store closes!" Atsushi snapped.

"You're the one always complaining about how bored you are," Akutagawa smirked.

"That's-!" Atsushi sighed. "Completely accurate..."

"Well, since she left," Akutagawa wandered back over to Atsushi and backed him up against the wall, grabbing his dick in his hand. "Do you want to continue?"

"What if she comes back?" Atsushi glanced at the door. "Or if someone else enters?"

"No one else is going to enter," Akutagawa muttered by Atsushi's ear, "I won't let them touch you."

"That's not what I meant-" Atsushi squeaked when Akutagawa grabbed his dick tighter in his hand. "We...really shouldn't...do this...here..." Atsushi tried to mutter a clearly logical response.

"Okay," Akutagawa moved away and went back to his stance standing behind the register.


"You said not to so I won't."

"B-But..." Atsushi looked down. What was he supposed to do about his throbbing and exposed dick?

"But what?" Akutagawa tilted his head with a clueless innocence. Atsushi didn't want to say anything so he was considering trying to make it to the bathroom. He had a hard time knowing when Akutagawa was being serious or teasing him. Then, Akutagawa pointed to underneath the counter, in that small space similar to that of underneath a desk where the chair would go. So, he was just teasing him! Atsushi puffed out his cheeks and pouted. He moved to get into the space and Akutagawa joined him. He was just about to grab Atsushi's dick when the bell on the door rang.

"Did she really come back?" Akutagawa pulled his hand away from Atsushi and motioned to stand but Atsushi grabbed his hand and brought it back to his dick.

"I'm sure it's just the wind..." he muttered. "It makes the door open sometimes. I don't hear any footsteps so..."

"I should check," Akutagawa said, without making any moves to stand up again. He leaned forward to kiss Atsushi.

"Mmm..." Atsushi nodded, "maybe I could go..." but neither one moved from that spot on the floor. 

Ma(fia)ttress FirmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora