Chapter 1 - The Game

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Hello! Welcome to my Among Us fan fiction. Before you read, please read the description. This is one of the first times I am writing in present tense, so please do not judge! Please inform me if there are any spelling mistakes/errors.

If you like the story, please vote on it. It will help me a lot.

Happy reading!

I stand above white's dead body. His helmet has fallen off, and his eyes are staring lifelessly onto the ceiling. He is not much younger than me. My smile, hidden by my bright helmet, widens as I hide my weapon.

I'm not myself.

Only some of the actual me is there, hiding behind my bloodlust. My veins are filled with liquid. I hear footsteps, and I quickly run to the nearest room. I hear a woman gasp. My phone gets a ping.

"Dead body discovered."

We all report to the cafeteria. I can't see anyone's face. No one takes off their helmet, because they don't want other people to think it's them by their reaction.

"Pink is sus." Says blue.

I let out a sigh of relief. It's not me. Everyone agrees. I stay alert, my eyes darting directions. Who to kill next? Pink tries to plead their case. But it's no use. They get voted out. Everyone lets out a small cry as it says that Pink was not the imposter. As the next round starts, I am about to jump into a vent, but I see purple standing behind me.

They start to yell, "It's-"

But before they can finish, I sprint up to them and slit their throat. It was probably too early. Their helmet rolls off and I see it was a girl around seventeen. A little older than me. I feel no sympathy. The liquid injected in me takes away my emotions, and only influences anger. I quickly run into the vent, running away from her as fast as I can. Once I get to another vent, I open the door with a crack. Right as I'm about to pull myself out, the body is discovered. We all report to the cafeteria once again.

Cyan slams their hands on the table.

"It's green. They kept running in and out of rooms, doing nothing,"

Green frantically answers, "It's not me! I- I just got sent here from Earth! I promise! I'm new!"

"Then why haven't you been killed yet?" Brown says harshly.

I hear Green gulp.

"I agree. I think it's Green." I say, in the calmest voice I can muster.

"Okay. That settles it, then." Exclaims Cyan.

We all vote Green. When Green drifts off into space, and it says that he wasn't the imposter, Cyan hits their fists on the table again.

"Dammit!" They yell.

I make a mental note not to try to kill Cyan. People might think it is them considering how confident they were about it being Green. As the next round starts, I start off acting like I am actually doing things.

As the game progresses, I kill more and more. Eventually, I end up winning. I've won many times before. It has been the only way I have been able to survive. I go back to my pod that escorts me to different maps, and I feel when a needle is injected into me and pulls out the liquid inside. Suddenly, I gasp and collapse to the ground. My full consciousness is back. My emotions have returned. I cup a hand to my mouth and I cry for the people I have killed. I wish I didn't have to go through this. I wish I wasn't red. I feel like I'm always the imposter.

My pod says to me, in a robotic voice, "Your next game will begin shortly. Please be patient. In the meantime, here is your lunch."

A tray is pulled out from the wall. I wipe my eyes and eat the dry turkey sandwich, as well as drink the water. I hate this life. I miss Earth. I wish I didn't have to be here. Out of everyone, why was I picked? Was it because I was smart? Was it because of overpopulation? I feel like I am part of a dystopian novel. Why was this game created? This game, to kill, and accuse, other people that are around the same age as us? I put my head in my hands. I think I am going crazy. It's all happening too fast. To the pod, "shortly," means about a few days. Everyone has time in between games to breathe and think about their plans, or just to reflect, because they know these might be their last life moments.

I am smart. I know how to persuade, hack, and hide. I've learned how to over all the times I've played. My very first time, it was a game of luck. The imposter was voted out in around the third round.

For the next few days, I analyzed what I had learned to try to figure out a strategy for myself. I sigh, and stand up. Might as well prepare for the next game. I don't want to be the imposter. I'll still make a plan, just in case I am. It won't matter much, though, because all I will feel is my influenced anger, so I won't care much about a plan. I wipe my forehead. I go to my essentials shelf that I brought to space with me from Earth. There is my favorite necklace, a picture of me and my mom, a picture of me with my sister, my favorite hair ties, a brush, a mirror, scissors, my pod clothes, an old hat, and my favorite of all, a small pin with a special print on it. My hair is strawberry blond and short. When I first came here, it was long, down to my waist. I soon realized it kept getting in my face, blocking me from completing things I needed to. I didn't like it very much anyways. Once back in my pod after a game, I chopped it. It is now just on top of my ears. It is something you might call a "boy haircut."

I don't think it's really fair to put gender on hair.

I grab my mirror and look at myself. I have lots of acne. Not my fault I forgot the medicine for it. My eyes are grey. My skin is a tan color. I brush out my hair as well as I can, but the curls I created in it won't go away. I don't know why I'm stressing over this. I could easily die in a few days, and I don't seem bothered by that fact. Once I give up, I go over my plans again, talking to myself. I hesitate at my imposter plan. Then I keep rambling to myself. It is so boring.

As days slowly go by and it is getting closer to my next game, I stare at my red costume and bite my nails. I pray to myself that I will not be the imposter. When the time finally comes, my heart beats loudly inside my chest. It normally does during this time. I peek out of my pod window and see that I am approaching a map. I gulp loudly. I quickly change into my red suit. My pod stops abruptly and opens. I walk out. Everyone in the room turns their helmets to me. I slowly put my head down. As we wait for more people, the anticipation engulfs me in anxiety.

When we have enough people, I watch as the lights dim. I squeeze my eyes shut and cross my fingers.

Then I hear...inside of my head...

"You are the imposter."

My eyes become wide and I feel my neck strain. A needle has been injected into it. I stand there in utter shock. I hate this...I HATE THIS...

Suddenly, I am on the map. I glance around, my vision becoming blurry. Rage eats me. I clench my hands and start walking, looking for targets. Without a second thought, I kill the first person in sight- orange. I jump into the nearest vent, sprint through it, and climb out the other side. As I pretend to do a task, the body is discovered. When we all assemble in the cafeteria, I act as clueless as I can.

"Where?" I say.

We start discussing. We all agree to skip. This is how it goes for the next few rounds. I run around, looking for new victims. I approach a room. I can almost feel the presence of someone in the room. I walk in it, slowly. The person notices me and turns around. I feel like running. For some reason, I can't. This person seems to be pulling me in. I pull out my sword, and they jump back. I am about to strike, when- they take off their helmet. His presence stuns me. He seems to draw back my anger.

He is beautiful. His hair is greyish brown, and his eyes are a bright green. He has a few freckles surrounding his nose. He looks terrified, but also amused. I clench my teeth, and try to slit his throat. But I can't. I just can't. He smiles at me. How can he smile at me? How can he smile, when he knows he's about to die? I feel my emotions seep back to me slowly. With the liquid still in me, I feel bursts of emotions inside of my head. It's like there is an explosion. I feel myself fall. Before I pass out, the last thing I see is the boy's face.

He almost looks concerned. 

This is the end of Chapter 1! If you liked it, please vote! I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, so if you could give me some feedback, I would really appreciate it.

I will release chapters every few days. I have lots of homework to get too, so unless people really like this, it'll take me a little bit of time to update. That's all!


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