Part2: Rude Awakening.

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It was an early morning. It was about 7. I decided to get up so I threw my legs over my bed, sat up and rubbed my eyes. I could hear a whole bunch of commotion coming from downstairs so I get up a little light headed and walked out of my room to hear, "What are we going to Travis?! Your father is on his death bed and there's no one to take over!" I immediately stormed downstairs. I looked at my mother, then my brother. I whispered in a low soft voice, ".....what?" My mother sat me down at the kitchen table placing breakfast in front of me. "Your father, he's in the hospital." I could see her forcing urge to hold back tears. "He was shot last night while making a deal with the Jacksons. The Dr said there's a 50-50 chance of-" she quickly ran into my brothers arms and sobbed. I've never seen my mother cry. But then, here's me. Completely numb. Trying to process  the words that slithered into my ears. I got up slowly, looked at my mother once more and walked upstairs in a calming way. I sat on my bed confused, dazed and numb. I thought aloud. "Why..? Why him? And who?" I soon began to get angry, I laid down and yanked my pillow from the side, throwing with as much force as I could knocking down my lamp across the room. Then, I cried.


I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! This will definitely be worth reading in my opinion. Thank you for all the follows, votes and reads. Much love!

~ Stephanie.

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