Part2 Cont.

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I was bawling like niagra falls. I hear gentle footsteps become more and more near so I quickly look up, to see my mother standing there completely faint. No color in her face whatsoever. She just stood there staring into my red, swallon eyes. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing. She comes closer kneeling down beside my bed, not making eye contact says, "Do you still pray?" She asked ever so softly. "S-sometimes.." I answered quitely. "Pray. Pray like there's no tomorrow. Your father needs us more than ever." I looked down, not saying a word. I could barely talk. If I did once more, my voice would crack not giving me a chance to talk. She stood up helping herself up from the bed. She walks out slowly closing my door just a smidge. "We're going to the hospital tomorrow, so be ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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