cell vs nappa

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Da da da a dumbass saiyan whatever just fucking start!

Cell was in his ring like usual then a bald saiyan drops down.

"Hey little bug man have you seen vegeta"Nappa looked up

"Huh oh god damnit give me a day off.."Cell muttered

"What was that little bug man said something?"

Cell just looked at him"Do you want to die or something like how vegeta killed you cause I will do it"Cell said

"Huh like vegeta where is he anyway"Nappa said again

"Oh the prince of all milfs yeah he left after last time"Cell said getting flashbacks.

"What do you mean he lef-"Nappa was cut off with a beam going through his chest

"God damn I didn't know how much more I couldn't have took"

A ghost comes out a"GHOST NAPPA"


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