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1. You're alive. That is a free gift that has no return. So enjoy your life.

2. Nature. Everyday of our lives we are too busy to stop and smell the roses, just take 5 minutes to absorb it all.

3. You have goals to achieve. Your goals can make you extremely happy and wanting to achieve even more. Hard work pays off.

4. You can either see life as a glass half empty or half full. You might as well be as positive as your body let's you cause happiness is beautiful.

5.  Life goes on. As cliché as that sounds, its true. You cant go around life thinking everything is awful. There's some beauty, you just have to search deeper.

6. Having friends. Being able to share things you love with other people and being yourself around them is pretty nice.

7. Watching Disney movies. All of those movies make you feel little and happy again. One of my favorites is The Little Mermaid.

8. The sky. I always love seeing the sunrise and sunset and it doesn't matter what mood I'm in because it always makes me feel better.

9. Puppies. Puppies are so fluffy and help relieve stress. So go pet a puppy.

10. Bunnies. Like puppies, bunnies are so soft and cute and are gonna make you happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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