Chapter 6

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Janet stood in the kitchen, completely frozen and confused. 

"Well you see honey take a look around. Don't you think maybe the floor already looks clean? Shiny even? Do you see any dirt Harold?" 

Janet was definitely a little angry that Harold didn't notice how clean the little blue home was. Harold looked around. Now that he actually observed his surroundings he realized how clean the place was. It looked great, smelt great, and he felt sort of dumb for not noticing. 

"Did the new Sweep-o-Matic come in? It looks like it did an incredible job. Wow, the new model really is better this time. Ha! Who'd have thought." Harold said happily. 

"Well, actually Harold, ya see the thing is, I cleaned." 

"You what!?" Harold yelled. 

"I... cleaned... the... home," she said sarcastically.

 "Ya I heard you but why would you do that?"

"Well, I didn't plan on doing this. But the new pan came in this morning and I.. I just couldn't help myself! It was so shiny and new and it felt so good holding it. I just had to Harold. I took out the trash, I swept the whole home, Harold I even played music like when we were younger." 

Harold was shocked. Jaw to the floor, breathing heavily at what he was hearing. He wasn't mad, just baffled. Maybe a little mad. After all, he had left work to come home and clean. 

Janet made her way over to where she'd put the broom and mop. On her way over, she grabbed the pan. When she reached the closet she manually opened it. She gestured to Harold to come closer. He made his way over. Janet reached into the closet and like she was removing Excalibur from stone she pulled out the mop.

If this were a movie, the mop would have had a gold glowing aura around it as she moved it into the light of the closet hall. This wasn't a movie though, it was all too real. 

"What in the world is that?" Harold said as he flinched backwards as the mop got closer to him. 

"It's not a snake or something Harold, relax." she said while laughing a little. "It's a mop. It's used to wipe up the floor. You could've used it last night for the parmesan disaster spill." 

"So you used this today around our home?" he said while taking it into his own hands. 

"Ya it was really easy. I just watched some video on my hologram about how-to and then went for it. I had the sink fill up with soap and water and then I dipped the end of the mop into the water," she pointed to the hair at the end of the mop. 

"Interesting, I vaguely remember these when I was a little one," Harold said fascinated. 

He really wished she hadn't swept and mopped but whatever the home looked and smelled good. 

"In all the years we had those Sweep-o-Matics and other cleaning machines I've never seen any of them do as good a job as you did." 

He leaned in for a kiss. Harold was being sweet again like his old self. 

Janet kissed him back and smiled, "It was fun to. Like I said I had the music going and it was great. Oh! And I got that accomplished feeling you were talking about last night. Harold I haven't been so happy in years. Oh and don't worry I was a little more careful and I was on my board while doing most of this work." 

She could see Harold was happy for her, but she knew he wanted to do something. He'd literally left work for this.

Janet still hadn't done any dusting. She hadn't really researched how to either. While mopping she was thinking about possible ways to get the job done. She figured there was something in the attic for this occasion and if not she could use an old shirt or a towel or something and wipe stuff down. The No-Walk Board would be useful and lift her high enough to reach above windows and high places like that. 

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