After Life Pt.1

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Naruto POV

It has been 6 years that I have been together my fiancé Sasuke Uchiha. It's been a while since I found out that he cheated.....but I decided to stay with him because I know deep down I can never leave him because I love him too much, but he doesn't know that I know that he cheated on me with Sakura Haruno out of all people Sakura am I that bad?.....

I don't plan on telling him about me knowing that he cheated and even my sickness because It might make him sad....but would he care if I wasn't by his side anymore? I took a moment and rethink about the time when we were inseparable, I realized that I was crying when I felt that my face was getting damped with tears, I miss those times.....but It's too late to go back.... Besides I don't have that much time to live anyways I know that because my sickness is getting worse and worse that's probably because Sasuke's slowly starting to lose his love for me, But my doctor recommends me to get it surgically done and I am starting to consider but I'm scared. He doesn't even come home as frequently like he used to but I think that I knew where he has been. I remembered when I found out that he cheated and that's also the time when I caught my sickness.


As soon as I found out that he cheated, I started to cough violently and started to notice something was filling up in my mouth it started to overflow and and I try not to vomit and covered my mouth with my hands, but that did not help instead some were coming out....but It was not liquid.

It was petals of a Black Dahlia flower with my blood... It was the same colour of my fiancé's hair I was astonished but quickly regained back my senses I decided to go to the Hospital. As I was trying to cancel out my coughs I couldn't help but question on why was this happening?


As I arrived at the hospital I found a parking spot and quickly made my way and parked. I couldn't help but run because it was painful.

As I finally reached entrance I quickly made my way to the receptionist and asked for a doctor, she saw that I was in panic and asked me what was wrong but I told her that I didn't know which was the truth, because I did not know what was happening to me.

She quickly made a call and asked for a doctor, as the nurse was making a call I tightly clench on the chest part of my shirt, It was getting hard to breathe, I felt myself losing consciousness the last thing that I remembered before passing out was the nurse screaming for help, the flowers that were in my hands slowly started to fall on the ground and some on my shirt, blood was dripping from the corner of my mouth.

Third Person POV

As Naruto slowly lost consciousness he took most of his strength to quietly whisper and make it sound audible as possible 'h-help...' Naruto said as he's falling on the tiled floor. After hearing what Naruto said the nurse turned around and was about to ask Naruto what he just said but she saw him slowly falling on to the ground, she accidentally dropped the phone and immediately ran to Naruto to prevent him from falling and screamed for help.

The doctors quickly came after the nurse screamed, they saw Naruto laying on the floor while his head resting on the nurses lap.

Third Person POV

The doctors quickly placed Naruto into a bed and put into a room. 12 hours had passed by and Naruto lied down unconscious, Meanwhile one of the doctors assigned a suitable Doctor that has been studying this kind of illness. They were shocked because Naruto has an Illness that has not occurred for years.


In the morning Naruto woke up with a severe headache and a very dry throat, he slowly fixed his posture so he can lay down properly and asked for a doctor. The doctor had told him that he has the Hanahaki Disease and told him that this was a rare disease that has not occurred for years. The doctor ripped out a slip of paper and told him that it was a prescription for an appointment.

Naruto POV

As I sat in my car I couldn't help but think why me out of all people, why am I the one that has this disease. I look at the slip that the doctor gave me, it was scheduled for tomorrow, I gripped onto the slip and quickly put it inside my bag, and started my car and go back home and rest.

As I pulled up to the garage of my house I noticed that Sasuke was still not home.... I sighed, 'honestly why am I still surprised, but it still hurts....'  I took my bag and opened the car door and gently closed and locked it by pressing my car key.

I made my way to the front door if my house and I hurriedly unlocked it due to the cold weather. As I stepped inside, and took out my phone and decided to call him, I silently watched the phone ring as I'm nervously waiting for him to pick up. As soon as I heard the phone beep


Naruto : H-Hey Baby-

~ BEEP ~ The person that you are trying to call is currently busy. ~ BEEEEP ~

I was suddenly cut off by my phone telling me that the caller is currently busy....

I rest my head onto the wall and slowly slide down and tuck my head between my knees. I miss him....


Hey! This one-shot is where Naruto has the 'Hanahaki Disease' as some of you may or may not know the Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one sided love, it ends when the beloved returns their feelings but it has to be romantically strong friendship is not enough, but it can also be cured through surgical removal, but once it's removed the victim can never love again romantically. Again thank you for taking your time and reading this.

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