Ch.2: Happy Birthday Shortie (GaLe)

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It was Levy's birthday, and she was determined to make it the best one ever.

It was, after all, one she would be spending with her beloved Fairy Tail family... and Gajeel.

She blushed a little.

She wasn't sure why, but for some reason, her mind always wandered to him and whenever it did, her heart would alway flutter- just a little bit.

She then quickly slapped herself, to get rid of all her unwanted Gajeel thoughts, and rushed over to her Fairy Tail family.

When she stepped through the double doors, though, there was nobody there! There was only herself, isolated in the dark guild.

She walked slowly turned to walk out of the guild, dejected, when...


Everyone in the guild jumped out of their hiding spots, while turning the lights on. As the colorful confetti streamed down unto her hair, a big, bright, yellow, banner was unfurled, which said,


She looked around, shocked, as happy tears ran down her face.

While she was thanking everyone, she looked around for someone, a certain iron dragon slayer, but she couldn't find him.

Mirajane, with a knowing smile on her face, sidled over to Levy.

"Looking for your boyfriend?" she asked, suprising Levy.

"N-NO W-WAY!!!" Levy sputtered, blushing madly.

"Whatever you say," and with that Mirajane smiled and walked off towards Freed.

Levy just stared after her, blushing furiously, while wondering where Gajeel was.


As Levy was walking home from her birthday party with her beloved family and friends, she tripped.

She quickly closed her eyes, bracing for the harsh impact when she met the pavement. It never came.

She opened her eyes and was suprised to see a pair of shining red eyes looking back at her. It was Gajeel!

She blushed as she righted herself up, and gently took his arm off of her.

"T-Thanks, Gajeel," she stammered, facing him.

He grunted and started walking away.

She hurried and caught up to him. They walked in an awkward silence until Gajeel started whistling.

Levy didn't want to be left out so she tried whistling too. All that came out was spit and sputters of breath.

Gajeel started snickering at her failed attempt, and she got mad.

"What's wrong shortie, don't know how to whistle?"

"I can too!"

Levy glared at him and tried again. Nothing but spit and air.

Gajeel laughed louder now and Levy just blushed, getting madder every time he chuckled.. Before she could say anything though, Gajeel turned around to face her.

"Here shortie, this is how you whistle,"

He demonstrated, and as they walked, he tried to teach her. After a lot of failed attempts, she finally got it!

She could see her house coming up, but she didn't want to leave Gajeel.

When she approached her house she turned around to face him.

"Well... this was a lot of fun Gajeel, thanks!"

She turned to open her door, when a strong, warm, hand grabbed her arm.

She turned around in suprise. What she saw was an embarrased looking Gajeel.

"Hmph, here," he told her, giving her a small gift box and a card, his hand still on her arm.

She smiled wildly, he had remembered her birthday!

She quickly opened her box, and saw a beautiful little ring, with an intricate heart placed on top. The ring itself was a glistening silver, but inside the heart was a gorgeous aquamarine gem.

She blushed, happily, as she put it on. Then she opened the card.

Inside was,

Happy Birthday Shortie,

Good job on staying alive another year. I think I love you. You're pretty, and sweet, and you make me feel really happy when you're near me. What do you say, wanna be my girlfriend?


Her whole face turned into a bright red tomato and she looked at him, he was blushing hard too!

She smiled and ran into his arms, hugging him hard.

Maybe she did like him- just a little bit.

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