Losing the sanity

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Drip... drip... drip... 

Hajime could feel that something humid was touching his cheek and then his mouth. His weak conscience slowly started to get brighter. Puzzled, he slowly opened his eyes.

Hajime: I'm alive...? Someone just save me?

He tried to wake up and tried to look his surroundings, everything was dark but in all that darkness he could see a light.

Hajime: What is this crystal? Maybe something important.

But then he realized that from the stone came the water that was dripping on his mouth.

Hajime: So this crystal saved my life... But I don't recall any type of stone above vefore I lost concious... how strange...

While he was in his thought, he tried to move his legs that were numb, however, he felt somthing. That make him to panic.

Hajime: What?! Is there a monster?!

But then he just realized something, that make him feel like an idiot.

Hajime: Oh yeah, Y/N was with me; he must have helped me to reach the stone... Uh... Wait! Y/N!

In that moment, he realized that the life of Y/N was in danger. He then approached to him and tried to wake him up.

Hajime: Y/N wake up!

It was useless, Y/N was out of combat in that moment, he was trying his best to stay alive, his breathing was light and the blood that he lost affected him to bad that it wouldn't be impossible to him to get anemia. 

Hajime understood that his last choice was to drag him to the zone were the crystal was. Somehow he manged to get Y/N there and the water started to drip on Y/N's mouth. The stimulation of cold water on his skin made Y/N move slightly.

Hajime: Eh! You, wake up! Come on Y/N, don't die on me!

Hajime started doing some CPR by pressing on Y/N's abdomen. He realized that he wasn't doing "any" effect, an idea came to his mind.

Hajime: Looks like there's no other option... I... need to give him artificial respiration.

Hajime started to position himself, trying to convince himself that he was doing this just to save his friend's life and that it had nothing to do with his sexuality.

Hajime: Ok... let's go!... 3...2...1.


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