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*hinata POV*


I was suddenly awoken by a sharp pain in my stomache. I didn't want to bother Tobio, so I walked to the bathroom. Before I knew it- I felt a liquid slide down my legs. MY WATER FUCKING BROKE!!! before I could process what was happening, I screamed, "TOBIO!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP BEFORE I THROW A GOD DAMN BOOK AT YOU!!" I went into panic mode and then once Tobio realized what was happening, he went into panic mode. We were both just running around in pyjama pants with our arms flailing around. We looked like gosh dang chickens.

Once everything was ready, we called our family and friends to tell them to meet us the hospital. On the other end of the calls, we could here all of the babies crying. (asahi and noya had their baby already and then of course there was also suga and daichi).

*At the hospital*

They rushed me into the delivery room with Tobio dashing like a mad man close behind us. We couldn't wait to know the sex of the baby. (we had wanted it to be a surprise).

The doctors kept screaming at me to push, so I did. Then Tobio started screaming, "PUSH, HUN, PUSH!!!" I got more than a little pissed off at this and screamed back, "WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS??!! YOU TRY PUSHING A MINI HUMAN OUT OF YOUR ASS, HUH?????" the room went silent. The doctors and nurses just stared at each other then proceeded to get the baby out.

Suddenly, we heard crying tiny calming cries. "Congratulations, it's a...

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