K u r o o >.< (nb/r)

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F l u f f with Kuroo tetsurou :D. It's pretty short, hope u like it.

"y/nnnNnNNNNnnNNnNN~ can you pleaase get off your phone? I'm bored, we're supposed to hang out togetherrrrrrr" Kuroo whined, flopping himself onto y/n's bed. The both of them were supposed to spend some time together at y/n's house, but it appeared that y/n had recently discovered a new game, and was pretty into playing it.

"Just a few more minutes babe, I'm so close to beating this level!!" Y/n said, engrossed in the game as they sat on their desk chair.

Kuroo sulked and just snuggled himself into y/n's pillows, he felt a little hurt, definitely, and he had a pout on his face. "But you said that ten minutes ago..." he murmured.

no, this couldn't do. They came here to hang out, and hang out they will do.

Determined, Kuroo lifted himself off y/n's bed and approached his gf/bf/partner, who was still contently playing their new game. With a huff, Kuroo swiftly swiped y/n's phone out of their hands.

"Oi Oi!! I'm still playing! Kuroo!" y/n whined, trying to get their phone back.

"No! You're supposed to spend time with me!" Kuroo said, lifting the phone up and out of y/n's grasp. "Kuroo! I was almost done with beating that boss!" Y/n exclaimed, hopping to try and get their phone back.

The two played cat and mouse around the room, jumping on the bed, running around the chair, and soon Kuroo and y/n ended up falling on the bed, tired. Both of them were laughing and giggling after that small workout.

Spotting an opportunity, y/n jumped on top of Kuroo, who was lying on the bed, and tried grabbing their phone again.

"Oop- Not so fast!" Kuroo chuckled, lifting the phone even farther from y/n's reach while holding them back with his other hand.

"Kuroo... my PhoNEeeEEe~" y/n whined.

"you don't need your phone~ you have me~" Kuroo hummed, smugly murmuring in y/n's face.

With a sigh, y/n retracted their arms. Then, the pair realised how close they were. Kuroo, on top of the pillows and plushies, and y/n lying on top of him in a straddle position.

For a moment, y/n's phone was forgotten about. It had been a while since the couple had been this close, Kuroo and y/n gazed at each other's faces, taking in the moment, faces flushed.

y/n smiled after a moment and chuckled, Kuroo was right, what were they doing with their phone? That game? When he was right here? In all his handsome glory. Feeling guilty, y/n brought their hands to cup kuroo's face, grinning before peppering him with kisses.

Well, it started out as a small smooch, but y/n decided that it was not enough. Soon, Kuroo was being attacked by a million pecks and a giggling y/n.

"Mmph! Mm-Ow! ow ow ow!" Kuroo called out, " slow down! Ow!"

y/n finally stopped, breathing a sigh of happiness before plopping their head onto Kuroo's chest.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have focused on that game so much, you're soo much better~" y/n said, hugging him.

"Of course i am. I'm the best!" Kuroo exclaimed, returning the hug and flipping both of them to their sides and putting y/n's phone away.

The couple stayed cuddling on y/n's bed and slowly started to drift asleep.

"yo, Kuroo."


"I loove youu~"

"I love you too stupid."

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