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I don't think this is normal

Everyday, I feel like there's debris in lungs.
Everyday, I feel like I carry invisible weights.
Everyday, I feel I'm adding to my self  hate pile in my room.
Everyday, I feel too tired to do anything.
Everyday, I feel like I've let everyone down with my ego.

Everyday, I feel everything and nothing acting like a riptide.
I get myself closer to the edge not admiring it's view but it's fall.

Everyday, I feel more dumb.
Everyday, I feel myself evaporating like the water under the sun ,faster day by day.
Everyday, feels like a chore.
Everyday, eating becomes less mandatory.
Everyday ,everything feels like a replica of how things used to be.
Everyday, I miss my mom.
Everyday, I miss of how happy I was.
Everyday, I crave the times when I would feel warm at my core and not this empty pit.
Everyday, I wonder what's wrong with me.
Everyday, I wonder why doesn't my dad love me, am I that forgettable?
Everyday, I wonder when will it stop?please.

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