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My throat closes up

And my lungs fill with smoke

Are you done throwing rocks now?

Will you be a savior or a curse?

My throat is petite, hands could block its airway and yet you choose a blade

Will you be the judge in a court of nonsense called human nature?

My heart is fading

Everything is still

Was the sky always this dark?

Can't read your face anymore

I'm sorry, I'm sad but I can't differentiate your emotions anymore

I'm a husk of my old self, worn out and unrecognizable

"I promise I won't disappoint"

Even though I have said it million times before

My neck may be petite but maybe if it was made out of stone It wouldn't badge

I'm made out from flesh and bones, complete anguish and destruction

Hold my hand as I shove everyone who comes our way.

Hold my hands.

I'm cold.

I'm freezing.

I feel unloved and yet when my friends showed me their love I cried because I couldn't accept the fact that people would care this much for me.

Hold me together.

I'm sorry everyone.

In My Head(I'm Insane)Where stories live. Discover now