Chapter 16

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Heading back to Magnolia, Jellal was driving when Gray spoke up. "Natsu isn't gonna like this" "Psh, you think! Gray" Erza said irritated. 

"Easy you two, let's just get the information back to Natsu first of all" said Jellal. "Do you think Natsu would burn it?" Gray asked. "Yes" they answered with no hesitation. 

"They let out the man who attacked Lucy, anyone connected to that, there's no way he's going to let them get away. No matter what the rest of us say." Assured Jellal. 

"Were you lying when you said to let Natsu handle it Gray? Since u just asked that" said Erza. "Nope I meant every word I said. Natsu may not have all the connections that Zeref does but he's powerful in his right and nothing tips him over the edge more than someone attacking Lucy. That guy is screwed" he answered. 

"I just hope he doesn't take the rage out on us" said Jellal as the others nodded in agreement. Getting to the house a while later, they all gradually approached the door as Natsu opened it. 

"Hey guys" he greeted friendly. "Hey" they replied as Natsu let them in. Lucy and Layla were sitting on the couch as they turned on the couch. 

"Hey!" they said cheerfully. "Hey ladies" greeted Gray. "Did you guys find anything?" Natsu said serious. "Hmmhmm" said Gray as they looked at him and Lucy. "Layla, stay here baby" said Lucy as she got up off the couch. 

"Okay mommy" she said simply. Walking over to the counter, Lucy and Natsu stood behind it and and leaned over as the others took a seat. 

"What did you find?" asked Lucy. "Well you guys aren't going to like it" "Just tell us" said Natsu. "You were right and that is where Zeref was being kept." "Okay.. did you find out how he got out?" asked Lucy. "Yep we did...and this where you aren't going to like it" said Jellal with a slight nervousness.          

Grabbing Natsu's hand and squeezing it, Lucy looked at them and said in an assuring voice "you guys can tell us, how did he get out?" "Apparently somebody has powerful strings and found out where he was..they used them to pay the man in charge and let Zeref out" he answered.

 They all looked at Natsu who had gone completely silent. Gripping his hand harder, Lucy nervously said "Natsu?" Taking his hand out of hers, he got up and walked towards the front door.

"Don't let Lucy out of your sight" he said hard as he walked out and slammed the door. "Ummmm" said Gray. 

"Not good" said Erza and Jellal as Lucy stood there looking at the front door. "Natsu" she thought knowing he wasn't alright. They heard his car start up as they raced to the window to see it take off in a cloud of dust. "He is pissed off" said Gray. 

"Where is he going?" "Take my word on this Lucy, you don't want to know" urged Jellal. "Come on guys, let's all join Layla" said Erza. "Okay" they all replied as they went with her to the couch. "Natsu, please be careful. Don't lose control" thought Lucy. 

Gripping his wheel as hard as he could, Natsu slammed his foot on the gas. "Fucking slim ball, money shouldn't have been enough to let that psychopath out" he thought as his rage kept building as he drove.

Getting there, he pressed hard on the brakes as he jumped out to meet the helicopter that was waiting. "Thank you Erza" he thought as he climbed in. "Go down" he ordered as the pilot obeyed and took them down. 

 "Clear out for now , but don't go far" said Natsu as he hopped out. The helicopter lifted back up into the sky but at a distance Natsu could signal the pilot to come back down. Focusing on the door, he kicked it open. 

 He walked furiously through the building as he saw a door that said warden. Charging towards it he jumped and kicked it in as the man yelled in fear as Natsu walked in. 

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