Into The Unknown!

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Requested by: no one

Ship: none (yet)

Plot: Into the unknown

Should I make part two? If so comment it below so I will do it


It was currently midnight and everyone would be asleep except for people who work late at night but a certain cinnamon roll couldn't find a way to sleep at all, he had tried drinking warm milk, read a couple of books, relaxed and calm himself down, he even went back to work but some how he still couldn't sleep and that person was no other than Bryan Mendivil Films the owner of the largest theme park around

Bryan manage to start falling asleep at last Bryan can finally sleep


Well Bryan spoke to soon then woken up again he tried to ignore as much as possible


Again Bryan tried to ignore it


Bryan groaned and decided to get out of bed seeing it would not let him sleep any time soon, when Bryan went outside his hotel he started to walk the hallway it was very quiet all of the animatronics were by now on a look out if any twisteds or shadows will try and attack them,  Bryan started to get irritated seeing it had once again ring in his ears

(This next part Bryan started to sing)

"I can hear you"

"But I won't"

"Some look for trouble"

"While others don't"

If you manage to get a glance you could see Bryan's eyes turned a more darker shade of hazel brown eyes and his pupils turned into a sharp one a two stripe showed in both Bryan's cheek a red and a gray one a pair of wolf ears and tail showed up then it all disappear

"There's a thousand reasons"

"I should go about my day"

"And ignore your whispers"

"Which I wish would go away..."

Bryan looked up the ceiling desperate on wanting the voice to leave him alone forever so he could just finish his work


Bryan closed his eyes and continue to walk the hallway


Bryan then looked back seeing if he could caught this voice


Bryan continue to interact with this voice the same way it did


This surprised Bryan a bit but snap out of it and continue to walk, his currently going downstairs, he started to think about what his animatronics said to him

"You're not a voice"

"Your just ringing in my ear"

Bryan is trying hard to just convince himself that it was all just in his head after all if his friends couldn't hear it so it must just be in his head

"And if I heard you"

"Which I don't"

Bryan shake his head then went outside the hotel trying his to not get caught by his friends and started to walk around the area

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