A Normal Run

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It had been about 2 weeks but to Light--and practically everyone who knew her--felt like it had been way longer. She was doing well with balancing her school-work-home life and in general, she was really happy. She would spend a lot of her free time hanging out at Leila's house either talking to Leila since Atsumu had signed up to do a training camp every weekend for the rest of the month. But despite that, she enjoyed being there. Light would even get her school work done at Leila's house and she just really enjoyed everything about it.

But today was a Saturday, and oh was Light in for a treat.

Light had gotten up early and decided to go on an early jog before going to grandma Leila's house, she was just so excited to go back. Her heart began to swell and she smiled at the thought of getting to know grandma Leila more.

Light had worn her spandex and a loose shirt with "#7" on it. She was listening to some songs when she felt someone tug one of her ear buds out.

"Hey!" She turned only to be met with a certain blond. He had raised a brow at her with a sly smile on his face and plugged the ear bud into his own ear, though, Light paused her music.

"Oi, you can't do that," He teased, "I just put the damn thing in my ear!"

Light squinted at him in annoyance.

"Don't you find that gross?" She said pointing toward the earbud still in her ear.

"Nah," He paused, staring at Light, "Do you?" he said questioningly.

Light thought about her response thinking if she wanted to humor him, but ultimately deciding not to.

"...No," She said quietly.

"Alright, now play the dang thing will ya?

Light rolled her eyes playfully, earning a toothy grin from Atsumu.

"You best not make fun of my music choices, okay pretty boy?" She said, starting to play the music once again, even though the song was coming close to an end.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever ya say princess--" He paused.

"You listen to Joji?" He asked with an excited expression on his face. Light almost giggled at how brightly he was smiling.

"Yeah, but I bet you wouldn't wanna listen to it at the same time as me," Light pondered. Atsumu tilted his head.

"And that's because?" he questioned, "I really like his music, why wouldn't I wanna listen to it?"

"Pfft-" Light let out, "Because I listen to certain songs on repeat, and once I feel like it I choose a different one." Light explained.

Atsumu was about to say something until he heard the song "Sanctuary" start again. Light just grinned, amused at his expression.

"Told ya, and anyways, I'm on a run?" Light pointed out.

"Like I care," he scoffed, desperate to listen to music...or hang out with Light.

"Nah, you don't get it," Light tugged on the wire which caused it to come flying out of both of their ears, and suddenly, Atsumu got the point.

"Oh..." He contemplated before looking as if a light bulb went off in his head. Light smiled, amused at, well, this entire situation.

Light watched as he pulled wireless earbuds out of his pocket. To this, Light giggled.

"Alright, bet." She said laughing between her words, "I guess I've been shown up, here, give that to me, I'll connect them." Light chuckled.

Light connected the wireless earbuds to her device and smiled, she was never one to say she liked having intimate moments like this, but she truly did enjoy it. When she had lived with her parents in their old city, none of her friends were really active and if they were, it was usually because they were in a sport and didn't want to run anywhere outside of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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