New School, New People

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It was now Monday and Light was all ready for school and she honestly didn't care for what the school work had to offer. She was good with school work and usually understood material easily. They had just placed her in class 2 because they didn't want to overload her too much.

Light was walking to school when she felt an arm swing wound her shoulder, she quickly looked up in a panic only to calm down after seeing who it was.

"Atsumu, would you mind not just coming at me like that?" Light questioned.

"Well it's more fun to do this, and anyways, I don't have morning practice on mondays so I can show you around!" He grinned. Light rolled her eyes at this.

"Don't you have crazy fangirls to deal with or something?" Light said, recalling their conversation the day before.

"I don't wanna get caught up in that mess." Light said with a slight shiver.

"Ah, I meant during games though, they're actually pretty chill while school's in session," Atsumu retorted, trying to convince Light.

Light thought about this and shrugged, not minding the extra company.

"Alright, show me around pretty boy," Light said laughing.

Atsumu grinned, grabbing Light's hand and showed her around, they walked all around campus and he had shown her where all the rooms were. Light's nerves had calmed as she realized that Atsumu and her had most of their classes together. Atsumu then led Light outside.

"Oi, where are we going?" Light questioned.

"My team's gym," Atsumu responded. Light furrowed her brows.

"And why's that?"

"I wanted to ask ya," Atsumu turned to face Light, still holding her hand, "Ya wanna watch us practice after school?"

Light smiled and his request. Light bumped shoulders with him and rolled her eyes and chuckled after he raised a brow at her.

"Sure, I'd love to," Light responded with a toothy grin. Atsumu smiled and showed her the building.

"Since we have the same last class, we can head over there together," He said grinning. Light smiled.


The bell rang and they headed off to class, everything went pretty well for Light and she really enjoyed the new sense she got being there, the work wasn't too hard and she got the hang of everything, especially due to Atsumu's help with showing her where her classes were. Soon enough it was lunch time.

Light walked out of her classroom about to head to lunch when she heard someone call out her name.

"Yo, Light," She turned only to be met with the one and only Atsumu. Light smiled at him.

"Hey Atsumu,"

"Ya wanna eat lunch with me and my team?"

"Yeah, sure! Light smiled, excited to meet the people that she would be seeing later in the day. Light wasn't the most lively person but she did enjoy meeting other people at her own pace.

Atsumu smiled at her and they walked over to the cafeteria, Atsumu led her over to a group of boys. To the regular person, they looked quite intimidating due to their build, height, and just size in general, she sat next to Atsumu. Light found their presence calming. That was until--

"I don't want another one of your fangirl 'Tsumu! They're annoying as all hell!" The grey haired boy yelled at his twin.

Light bit back a laugh and tried her hardest not to smile, biting the inside of her cheek.

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