chapter 1:Unforgatable day

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kalel's POV:

My eyes flutter open as I wake up on a warm fall morning. Usually I struggle to get myself out of  bed but not today.It was my wedding day.I couldn't believe today was the day mostly every girl dreams of. As little girls,playing dress up,dreaming of walking down the aisle.But today was no dream,I would be getting married to the love of my life,Anthony Padilla.I new that all the planning and time would pay off today as I become forever wedded to the perfect guy.I'm just so excited!!Me and Anthony decided to go with tradition and not get to see eachother until we meet at the alter this evening so I had the bedroom to myself and he stayed at a hotel close to the chapel.After day dreaming about the day I decide to get myself out of bed and got meet with Evilina.She is my maid of honor and we will be getting our hair done for the ceremony.I begin my day which I know I will never forget.

Anthony's POV:

I wake up before my alarm goes off at 5:30 AM.It was the day.My wedding day.I couldn't believe a scored such a gorgeous, kind,perfect girl.Our engagement in Japan was one of the best days of my life but I know that today will be even better.Because I woke up so early from ecitement,I checked twitter in bed and #kalanthonywedding was already trending.I was also getting hundreds of tweets from kalanthony shippers saying how excited they are about the wedding.But I'm positive no on is as excited as me lol.:)

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