Chapter 1-The sleepover

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                                       Gon POV
"Killua! We should have a sleepover tonight!" I say as  Killua looks at me and nods his head. "I'll bring video games." Killua says as I shoot him a big smile

Third person
Gon says "I'll get snacks, just meet me at aunt Mito's at 5:00, ok?" Killua smiles and nods his head.

*Times skip to aunt Mito's*

Third person
When Gon arrived at his aunt Mito's he was there 30 mins early. He prepares for the sleepover, Gon got a bunch of snacks,pillows and blankets to make a fort. Finally, Killua had arrived Gon opened the door and greeted Killua with a smile and a loud and sweet "Hello!" Killua walks in and aunt Mito says "Hi Killua, Gon has been so excited for you to get here." Gon's cheeks turn a very light pink as he says "Aunt Mito!" In a whiney voice. Killua chuckles and follows Gon to his room, Killua and Gon sit on Gon's bed. They talk about what their gonna do, when Killua remembers he brought video games. He walks across the room and picks up his duffle bag he reaches in and pulls out 3 games. Gon says "Ooh I want to play that one!" He points to Mario Kart Killua smirks and says "Alright, I bet I'll beat you" as he sticks his tongue out at Gon. "Oh yeah" Gon replies in a competitive voice. They both laugh and Killua starts to put the game in the console. Killua grabs the controllers and sits down beside Gon and hands him one. Gon and Killua play at least 10 rounds, Killua winning 6 and Gon winning 4. "Told you I'd beat you!" Killua states and chuckles. Gon sticks his tongue out at Killua and starts to pout. Killia laughs and says "well what do you want to do now" Gon's face lights up and says "Can we boiled a fort, please Killia?" Gon does his puppy eyes and Killua can't help but say "Yes" so, after 15 minutes they finally make a fort. "Yeah! It looks awesome!" Gon says with excitement while starring in amazement at the fort they had made. They go inside the fort and turn a movie on, they picked to watch Avengers. When the movie is over it's 9:15 so they decide to watch some YouTube videos. They watch different videos taking turns picking what to watch. Gon looks at the time and it's already 2:00am, he tells Killua he's tired. Killia agrees he had stayed up 2 days straight before their sleepover. Gon says "I only have one bed so if you want you can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor." Killua thinks for a second and says " we made this fort why don't we both sleep here." Killua can feel his face turn a bit pink when Gon says "Yeah let's do that" with a big smile Gon rushes to get a blanket. When Gon comes back they both lay down and get comfortable. As Killua lay there he thought about Gon and when he should tell him he likes him. Gon falls asleep Killua made sure he was asleep and grabs his hand. As Killua holds Gon's hand he falls into sleep. Gon woke up earlier than Killua and sees his hand being held by Killua. He blushes a bright red and cuddles up next to Killua and falls back asleep. When killia wakes up he sees Gon cuddled up next to him and he blushes. Then, Gon wakes up and the both push away from eachother with bright red faces and start to explain themselves, both of them talking over one another. They start to yell and aunt Mito walks in the room and says "are you guys ok?" They both say "Yeah" aunt Mito smiles and asks "Do you guys want breakfast?" Gon and Killua reply with "yes please" They eat breakfast and then go out to explore more of Whale island.

The end
I hope everyone email comment more ships, fanfics I should write and anime recommendations.

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