When I was your man

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Bruno stomped his way to the courtroom and when he rushed in he immediately got cold feet and sat down. Bruno started slamming the table and this angered the judge who told him to be quiet. Bruno got a red face as he was sooooo embarrassed that he got yelled at. Bruno sat in his chair trying to find an opportunity, to tell the truth, but he wasn't really given a chance to do so. When he was called to the stand to give his testimony, Bruno was preparing himself to get up and tell the truth, but something unexpected happened. A man watching the trial stood up and was eating peanuts out of a tin. The man said "I heard enough your honor! This scumbag Arthur is trying to crowd in on Bruno and I for one CAN'T STAND IT!!!" With this, he began to flick and toss peanuts at Arthur and one landed in his mouth and he swallowed it. Arthur fell to the ground and began to shake. Bruno screams at the top of his lungs "HE'S ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS YOU NEANDERTHAL!!!!!!" Bruno ran to Arthur's side as quickly as he could, all the while making pig squeals. Bruno pulled out an EpiPen from his back pocket and injected Arthur. Arthur coughed "You do care Bruno....." Bruno had tears in his eyes and stood up to address everyone. Bruno shouts "Everyone I have something to say. I lied about Arthur being my stalker and I did because I was nervous about being judged for having a nerd boyfriend." As he said this the judge was slamming his gavel but Bruno simply talked louder "I'M REALLY SORRY ARTHUR I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME!!!" Arthur attempted to speak and Bruno put his finger on his lips and shushed him. Bruno pulled out a set of keys and handed it to Arthur. Bruno said quietly "If I ever become a good enough man I'll come back, but until then I'll know where you'll wait for me." Arthur tried to say "Bruno it's really ok how about we just go home."  But Bruno was already running out the door. Some say that Bruno attacked five people on his way out of the building, some say he just spat at them, but either way that was the last anyone saw of Bruno. Arthur confused went home and was released from his crimes. Arthur sat in the manor waiting for the day that Bruno would come home. But for the longest time, all Arthur would hear about is the sightings of Bruno every now or then. Arthur however got a letter in the mail with no return address. The letter stating "Arthur my bb how are you? I'm out here trying to be a better Bruno for you and was writing to prove that I didn't die and didn't leave you so DON'T DATE ANYONE! Anyways I think I'm doing really good and will make my way back now." Arthur clutched the letter and ran outside and saw Bruno run out the gate, and in the morning Bruno made his way back inside to greet Arthur. True to his word Bruno was a changed man and focused on Arthur and not his music. Even though the music was never the problem Bruno ended his career to be with Arthur.      

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