25 - The Lost Are Returned

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"Ah, Captain, I see that you're back on duty. How was your leave? Restful I hope" said King Sarawat, breezily going about his work, walking around the large library in his chambers.

"I'm happy to report that Captain Thitipong has recovered fully, your Majesty" said Tine with a bow. He had expected a slightly warmer welcome from Wat.

"I trust you've heard the news?" said Sarawat at exactly the same time.

"What?" they both said together again, in response to each other.

"Why don't you go first, your Majesty" said Tine, confused.

"I thought... Well... I am sure you've heard about the royal engagement that is to be announced nine days from now" said Sarawat, his voice a little uncertain now.

The flabbergasted look on Tine's face was as clear an answer as any.

"Congratulations, your Majesty. I wish you every happiness" said Tine, bowing stiffly and turning to leave.

"What were you saying about Phuak?" asked Sarawat.

"Nothing, your Majesty. He had been taken ill earlier this week. He had contracted an infection which rendered him bed-ridden. He called on me for help as he was unable to walk. I was tending to him at his home, and hence missed the announcement about the upcoming nuptials, your Majesty. I'll take your leave now, your Majesty" said Tine formally, and walked to the door.

An arm reached out from behind him and curled around his waist. The other hand pushed the door shut before Tine could leave the room.

Tine felt himself trapped against the closed door and the King's body pressed up against his back.

"Hold on a minute there, Captain. Let me get this straight" whispered the King against his ear, making him shiver. "You were not taking some alone time away from me?"

Tine's heartbeats went through the roof at the unexpected and extremely arousing closeness.

"I don't know what you're talking about, your Majesty. His Highness had assured me he would inform you of my whereabouts" said Tine, a little breathlessly but still studiously formal.

"Phukong" exclaimed Sarawat, gritting his teeth. He wondered if all younger brothers were just as irritating. "His Highness will die a slow and painful death as soon as I get my hands on him".

He grazed his nose along Tine's neck from behind, breathing in his scent to calm himself down. Tine almost whimpered from the light touch.

"I should be going now, your Majesty" he said shakily and pushed Sarawat's arm off his waist.

"And where would you be going?" said Sarawat, nipping lightly at Tine's earlobe.

Tine couldn't remember for the life of him where he was supposed to be headed. All his thoughts had been drowned by just one very basic need.

Sarawat turned Tine around to face him. He placed one hand on either side of Tine's face, boxing him in.

"It's been five days and five agonizing nights since I last saw you, Captain. I don't think I can last another minute without you" he whispered against Tine's lips.

Tine froze in his spot and turned his head slightly to one side. "I don't think we should see each other anymore, your Majesty".

"Is that so?" said Sarawat, arching an eyebrow.

"I think you've made the right choice. Marrying Princess Paloma is in everybody's best interests. She would be a good partner to you, complement your strengths. She has all the qualities to be the Queen that you need" said Tine in a low voice.

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