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The name of the island they found us on was Lian Yu, it's Mandarin for Purgatory. We've been stranded here for five eventful years. We've dreamt of our rescue every cold black night since then. For five years, we've only had one thought, one goal, survive. Survive and one day we would return home. The island held many dangers, to live we had to make ourselves more than what we were, to forge ourselves into weapons. We are returning not as the children that were shipwrecked but as two who will bring justice to those who have poisoned our city.


Two blurred figures, a man and woman raced through the forest, moving in sync. As one jumped, the other followed. As if they have been doing this their whole life. In tune with one another that their breathing, footing, thoughts all seemed to fall in time together. The only difference being their genders and colors that they wore. Oliver being in green and Charlotte being in black.

One look from Oliver, Charlotte knew they needed to pick up speed. Both raced over the uneven ground, climbing over large rocks. Their bare feet covered in mud, leaves and more, but neither cared. They crouched down looking out at the sea.

Then as if by divine command a boat appeared on the horizon, glistening in the sunrise. They watched it make a steady approach, the outline of the yacht becoming more clear every moment.

Charlotte strode down the path with her eyes shining and her inner child skipping along in her mind. If she weren't already 25 she'd skip too.

Oliver followed behind her, smiling at her actions. It was a relief that for a moment that they be normal. Well as normal as they could be.

Once they appeared between a couple of rocks, Oliver reached for the bow and arrows. Once an arrow was lit, he only needed a nod from Charlotte, before letting it fly and igniting the signal fire with a violent explosion.

Her smile grew on its own accord and hope rising in her. Oliver walked up to her, kissing her forehead as they watched, praying that the men on the boat would not ignore their call for help.

Charlotte moved silently, slipping her hand into Oliver's and intertwining their fingers. Everything was about to change, the world they had left behind had moved on. They were different people then they were five years ago.

The boat turned, moving closer to the island, Charlotte gave Oliver's hand a squeeze for reassurance, it was finally happening, they were going home.

And the smile he gave her seemed just the right touch that unexpected warmth rushes through her. Charlotte just stood and watched Oliver as he watched the boat come closer to them.

There was something about the way he smiled; the way butterflies seemed to escape from the pit of her stomach and the way the sun had somehow toppled down from the sky and made a home right there in her heart. He had the kind of smile that made her feel happy to be alive and just that little bit more human.

Through these five years, everything changed. Her feelings grew for her best friend. They had been through thick and thin during these past years. She wished that they could be together, but through everything, how could they be?

They had their own demons. There was a time where they were seperated for a year or so, and Charlotte never told Oliver what had happened. She pushed it all down.

She stared into Oliver's eyes, determined not to look away first. She was certain that he knew she was trying to hide something, but still she was determined to fool him. She contorted her lips into an awkward, toothy smile, but her cheeks were not so compromising. She could feel their reluctance to be moulded falsely. When Oliver finally averted his gaze, her smile fell lifeless, allowing her face to return to its usual cold hard gawk.

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