2. Not My Dad

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I rested my head on the widow still in the drive to his house or shall I call "mansion". If he could rent this limo, he must have a huge house. I just want to go home and be with my friends.

Mason and Victoria, holy crap I forgot to text them about my arrival with Michael!

I immediately grabbed my phone from my pocket, turning it on seeing their texts on my lock screen. I pushed in my password, unlocking it and reading what they were talking about where I left off.

Victoria: why else would I be talking to you dumb fuck?

Mason: ur such a bitch

Victoria: shut up, at least I don't have a brain the size of almond

Mason: gurl, you just jealous that i have so much food in my fridge

Victoria: wtf? You're so random

Mason: idc, where's Alyssa?

Victoria: yeah, because I went with her, you should be asking me that *sarcasm*

Mason: shut up

I decided to tease them s little just to lighten up my mood.

Me: GUYS there's this guy and told me he's my dad but he isn't! I'm in the back of his trunk! Help!

I smiled to myself rereading it before I sent it.

I haven't really let my feelings out. All I'm doing are actions, I honestly don't even know one single fact about Michael. He's never been there for me when I needed him, and what hurts most is that he even has another family waiting for him at home. I bet I'll be a surprise to them when I enter their home.

Michael is clearly not welcomed to enter my personal life. Never in my life have I ever felt betrayed and lied to for a long period of time in my appearance. Not to mention, he didn't want me. I feel bad for mom since he left her as if nothing has happened. I will never forgive him for this.

"Alyssa." Michael snapped me from my thoughts. I annoyedly turned my head towards him giving him an unpleasant look. "Tell me about yourself," He said starting a conversation. "like if I'm your friend." he finished.

I sigh thinking if I should consider to be friendly to him, but my second thought was better. I made myself comfortable in my seat before talking.

"Um lets see here, I have no father, I was raised without a father, oh and my father abandoned my mother and I." I fake smiled.

"I told you to talk about yourself, not about me." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry what I meant to say was that I have a father, he raised my like any other dad would, and he took care of my mother and I, but oh wait--" I said and gave him a fake surprised face after. "I'd be lying." I finished off showing no emotion.

He awkwardly cleared his throat before speaking, "Alyssa, I know I wasn't there for you then, but I want to be there for you now! Why can you not understand that and trust me about this?" He asked sighing loudly.

I glared at him, it took me long enough to stare at him until I spoke. "I don't earn people's trust that easily" I whispered with some anger involved into my voice.

I glared at him once more before I looked out the window next to me. I touched my neckless, tightly grabbing the heart that missing its other half.

The car suddenly stopped making me look up and only seeing we were in front of a mansion.

"Alrighty, let's get going inside and I'll explain everything to you right away." Michael informed.

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