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Kevin and Sunwoo shook their heads at the scene. Eric just avoided Chanhee.....again. The poor boy just wanted to pass Eric the cue sheet and Eric just had to take the sheet like he's touching hot water. Chanhee looked at him confused and dare Kevin say it, hurt.

"I know, Eric's my best friend but he stupid." Sunwoo said, "What's so scary about Chanhee hyung?"

Kevin looked right at him.
"Imagine it was you instead of Eric. Then,imagine it's Changmin instead of Chanhee."

Sunwoo hesitated. "No can do. Changmin hyung's different."

"How so?"

"Changmin hyung is.....just him." Sunwoo had a lovestruck puppy face on and Kevin cringed. What love does to people, Kevin shook his head alone.

"The Boyz, please take your places!!" A voice rang out the studio. They were at the shooting for ASC. The members ran to their places with the exception of Haknyeon who was munching on a chocolate bar. He got dragged by Jacob. The shoot went on.

Eric was in the car, arms crossed and if possible, fumes could be seen coming out of his ears. Hyunjae who was sitting right beside him chuckled awkwardly and asked the manager if the AC was on.

"Oh? It's on? Then why's it Hehe." Hyunjae didn't know why but he didn't dare turn to his left to see Eric with a very angry face on. Hyunjae sent a SOS signal with his eyes to Jacob in front, but Jacob just shrugged. 

Eric kept replaying the scenes in his mind. How dare Sangyeon hyung pull his Chanhee hyung away! He didn't have to go that far, it's just a game. Eric grumbled. Eric caught a glimpse at Chanhee's wrists after, relieved that no kind of bruise formed. But on the way back to the cars, he got even more annoyed. Again, by Sangyeon. And Chanhee just had to be in the same car as Sangyeon. It seems Sangyeon was worried he'd hurt Chanhee that before getting on the car, Eric saw Sangyeon inspecting Chanhee's hands. Ohhhh yes.

Sangyeon hyung is holding my Chanhee hyung's hands!? Eric glared and glared until he got hit in the head by Sunwoo. Sunwoo did get a bit scared when Eric turned to glare at him.

Jealousy isn't a good color on him, Sunwoo thought.
Anyways, Hyunjae had to sit uncomfortably, feeling the heat radiating from the grumpy child all the way back to the dorm. When they arrived, Hyunjae scrambled outside. He hugged Jacob out of pure relief.

"It was the hardest time of my life!" He cried dramatically, clinging onto poor Jacob. Jacon just smiled and patted his shoulders. Eric stomped past them. The two looked at him with different minds.

That evening, they ordered, guess what? Chicken, of course. But Juyeon and Chanhee wanted to cook a bit, so they went into the kitchen. Eric still hasn't come out from Kevin's room. It was now his hideaway spot whenever he saw green.

"CHICKEN IS HERE!!!!" Hyunjae and Haknyeon's voice rang through the dorm.

"SHUT UPP!!!" Sunwoo yelled back. Eric got up from bed and waddled into the the living room. He saw 1, 2, 3, 4, wait, where's my Chanhee hyung? Then he heard giggles erupting from the kitchen. Oh, that soft giggle.

"Eric." Kevin's voice pulled him back. "Stop being lovesick for a while and sit down." Eric pouted but didn't listen to Kevin and instead went to where the love of his life was emitting soft giggles.

"You're so cute." Eric halted.
Juyeon hyung?
"I know." And that's Chanhee hyung, he thought.  Eric stayed just outside the kitchen.
"You're pretty."

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