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Eric couldn't understand Chanhee. If Chanhee was mad at Eric for the kiss, then he showed no sign of it and hid it well. But there was certainly that awkwardness between them and Chanhee avoided him even more now, yet he still talked to him as usual when with others. They were never alone together after that day. Chanhee even went to Jacob's or Younghoon's to sleep. Eric was glad no one witnessed the scene. Well, at least none of his members.

Eric sulked, sitting criss-cross on Younghoon's bed. He had forgiven Younghoon for spending so much time with his Chanhee hyung. (Though there wasn't really anything to forgive, in Eric's mind there is.) Sunwoo was sitting in his chair( Changmin sitting on his laps) , working out some lyrics and Kevin was just sitting across Eric with his arms crossed. The owner of the bed was sprawled on the floor, chin in hand, looking up at Eric with a thoughtful look.

"Something happened. I can feel it in my little grey cells." Kevin said, rubbing his chin. Younghoon rolled his eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Excuse me! It's Hercule Poirot." Kevin retorted back, nose flared and seemingly amazed at Younghoon's ignorance.

"Whatever. It doesn't take a detective to know that something's wrong with Eric."

"Isn't something ALWAYS wrong with Eric? Have you seen him?" Sunwoo chimed in, not turning around.

Haknyeon popped in his head and looked left and right. Then came in with a bag of chips and sat down beside Younghoon.

"Why'd you come in?" Younghoon asked, hands reaching for the chips.

"Was bored. The others are either at practice or sleeping."

"Guys......" everyone looked at Eric. He was pouting and close to tears. "I think- I think I screwed up....." he said, quietly. Now, the others were really worried. Eric's voice sounded so......... small.

"Hey, you can tell us. You know that." Kevin rubbed his knee to reassure the boy. Eric looked at them with eyes of a kicked puppy.

"I don't know what I was thinking. I really didn't mean to. Well, maybe I did but I didn't mean to do it. I didn't think far and I-"Eric rambled on. Everyone tried to focus but they didn't get any word Eric was saying. Even Hak stopped eating his chips to listen properly.

"I couldn't control it. The angel was telling me not to but the devil, oh the devil! He was tempting me soo much. And of course, the devil talks so much better than the angel and the next thing I know, " Eric paused. Everyone was still looking at him.

"Ikissedmychanheehyungandnowithinkhehatesme." He said in one breath then squeezed his eyes shut.

"What?" Kevin said.

"We get that you're a rapper, but-" Younghoon was cut off by Haknyeon.

"You don't even rap that fast for our songs."

"He kissed Chanhee hyung." Sunwoo said. That earned a gasp from everyone with a 'aha!'from Kevin.

"Omo omoooo, Eric's doing big boy moves." Hak teased and stuffed his mouth with some chips. Younghoon also took a handful.

"But now he thinks Chanhee hyung hates him." Sunwoo concluded.

"Chanhee hyung isn't like that!" Hak said a bit loudly and some chips spewed from his mouth which ended on Younghoon's face. Younghoon let out a sound of disgust and wiped it off Hak's sleeves.

"But- but he isn't talking to me." Eric sighed, "Before, it was okay. I could tease him and take care of him and cuddle him all I want. Alone," Eric whispered the 'alone' part. "Now! Now, it's all weird. "

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