Chapter 16 - The Breakup

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The next day at school, I was thoroughly exhausted. Putting up with Cass plus being uncomfortable the whole ride home? It was definitely not fun.

I rub my eyes and yawn. This is gonna be a long day.

I look around and spot Livia at her locker.

"Hey, Liv," I say.

She turns. "Hey, Beth! I'm really excited for this project we have in English. Mostly because I'm paired with Tanner Jordan. You know Tanner, right? Tall, short hair, beautiful?" She smiles at me. "Hey, who'd you get paired with?"

I hadn't even thought about that project until now. Oops.

"Ummm... I actually don't remember," I say, blushing. "Haven't really thought about it."

Her face grows pale. "You aren't having those memory things again, are you? I wouldn't want you to forget all of us! You just got here."

I smile at her, grateful for her caring nature. "It's fine, it's just that it was a long time ago and I haven't thought about that project for a while. Thanks for caring."

The warning bell rings, and I give Livia a small wave and run to my locker. Better figure out who my partner is.



At lunch, I spot Val and Cass at the usual table. I slide into the seat next to Cass and put my arm around her, but she doesn't even look at me.

I glance at Val, raising my eyebrows. He pulls out his phone and I get a text.

She said she's mad at you. Don't know about what.

I sigh and put my phone away. I nudge Cass. "What's going on?"

She glares at me. "Nothing."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"What makes you say that?"

I bite my lip to keep myself from shouting. "You seem angry."

"Why would I be angry? You know, just because I'm not a beam of rainbows and sunshine doesn't mean I'm, like, emo or something. I could just be mad because my hair looks bad, or because the food tastes horrible, or maybe I dunno because my boyfriend is obviously in love with his childhood best friend and--

She stops. I pull my arm down from her shoulders. Val moves away slightly.

"I didn't mean to say that," she says.

"I-I'm not in love with Bethany..."

She sighs and looks at me. I see anger in her eyes... but also something else. Pity?

"Franta, I know, okay? I know how you feel about her. I see the way you look at her. You look at her like she's the only girl in the world, and I would give anything for you to look at me like that. But I'm not going to force you to like me. Okay?" She puts her head in her hands. "I wish I didn't have to say this."

I look around. "Cass, let's go outside, okay?"

She nods. I lead her outside but I don't take her hand.

The hallways are empty. A door slams in the next corridor, but other than that it's silent.

We stand there in silence, neither one of us knowing the right thing to say.

"What's going on between us, Franta?"

I cringe when she says Franta. I realize it was dumb that my own girlfriend had to call me Franta. I'm such a jerk.

"I don't know, Cass, but I don't want it to be like this between us."

She looks at me, disbelieving. "I'm confused... are you trying to say you don't like Bethany at all, or are you saying we should break up?"

I don't say anything, but it's clear enough. And my heart just about shatters when I see her reaction. She starts to cry. But not the bawling and sobbing kind of crying. The silent kind, the kind no one would notice if they weren't staring.

"Cass," I whisper. I wrap her in my arms. I wish I didn't have to do this. I wish I could've just been a better boyfriend and not shown my feelings for Beth. I love Cass, but I just... what I have for Beth is different.

"You shouldn't be hugging me," she says quietly. I hear her small sniffles and it makes me want to cry, too. Almost.

"I want to hug you," I say.

Her expression changes. It's angry. Devious.

"This is your choice. We were perfectly fine until Beth showed up. Bethany Mota, Ms. I'm-So-Famous." She glares at me. "I don't understand what she has that I don't, but whatever." She turns on her heel and walks away, her shoes making click noises on the ground.

I think about what she said. What does Beth have that she doesn't?

I know what she has.


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