Disclaimer & Notes

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Hello, wondrous humans! 

If you are reading this, please know that you are amazing, loved and you are valid. Remember to take good care of yourselves- stay hydrated, get enough hours of sleep and take breaks here and there! 

Although this matter was already expressed in the description, the discussion was quite vague and I wish to clarify it once more.

This book is about real humans, not much like those anime boys that all of us obsesses over (Don't hide yourself Veronica, I see you) and I do not and never will intend to make them uncomfortable with this book. This book is created solely for entertainment purposes only. My only intention is to bring leisure and amusement for my audience, and it stays there. If I ever offend someone by any topic, any sentence, or even this book in general, please do not hesitate to tell me so. 

All indicated and mentioned events here are all fictional, and are products only of the author's imagination.

Updates in this book will not be scheduled and therefore may be random. My motivation, oftentimes, dissipate quite rapidly and I am currently bombarded with tasks and activities due to online school. (Microbiology's fun and all but it's so stressful aAAAHHHH)

Also! English is not my primary language so mistakes pertaining to my grammar, spelling and punctuation cannot be avoided. I look for ways to ameliorate my writing skills, so don't hesitate to correct me or to send me constructive criticisms! I take them quite seriously hehe.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the preview.

Please stay safe!

All Rights Reserved 2020

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