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  daniel put his arm around my neck, "why are you so short?". i hit his chest laughing, "i'm not that short!" he walked out and suddenly gasped. "jack?!" i looked up to see jack "daniel?! whatsup man?! what?!" "i didn't know you'd be here!" they explained to me that apparently, they were online friends and talked about meeting up but didn't realize they were going to the same art program. i spotted louis walking out with karen, were they dating? it didn't matter anyway, i didn't need to know. 

  we walked out and saw louis and kare standing next to layl and fin waiting outside. "hey fin, i met cassey!" i called out to him as i walked down the stairs. "oh, nice! did you guys get along!" i nodded smiling as daniel came up behind me. cassey ran down the stairs to meet fin, hugging him and jack walked over to layl, pushing her ear-length black hair behind her ear. i looked at louis and karen and just nodded at them.  

  we decided to go to the mall. "hey cassey?" i whispered. "yeah?""are those two dating?" i asked, pointing at louis and karen. she made a face, "well, its hard to say. they have a sort of on and off relationship but its never been official." i nodded making the face she mad back at her, making us laugh. "what's so funny?" daniel said bending down to my height. "haha." i pushed his face away from mine smiling, "just them-" i said pointing a karen and louis. "ahh" he nodded, understanding. we talked until we arrived at the mall.

  "oh its so pretty!" i marveled, grabbing daniels hand, "let's go!" i ran into an h&m. "oh you want clothes? i bet you look good in anything." he winked at me, causing me to blush. fin and cassey cam into the h&m too. i saw jack go with layl into a music shop, probably looking at guitars. "what about this!" daniel said lifting a light purple sweater dress. "you think i'd look good in it?" "as i said y/n, you'd look good in anything!" he insisted pushing me toward the changing room. "ok ok!" i laughed.

  i walked out, "i'm not sure.." daniel just stared at me smiling, "stop, does it look good?" "does it ever," he whispered, walking up to me. he turned around facing me towards the mirror, "see! it looks good." i pouted turning as cassey and louis came in. "does it look good?" "oh my gosh! yes?? it looks amazing!" louis smirked, "it doesn't look bad" cassey hit his arm, " okok! it looks good don't worry." i smiled up at daniel. "I'll get it!" he cheered.  i was looking around at the clothes when louis came up to me. "hey y/n." "louis." he cleared his throat, "why do we annoy each other so much?" i stopped, looking up at him. "i don't know. i mean i'd like to be friends with you but.." louis smiled, ".. but we annoy each other to death." "yup." 

  louis looked at me for a while making me look up, "what?" "nothing just you'd be a good fit ... for daniel." he smiled. "oh yeah, he's sweet isn't he?" i said as daniel walked up to us hugging me. "finally!" he muffled. "what?" giggled. "i finally got to hug you!" daniel said looking at me, "ohh." i blushed. he grabbed my hand and led me out of the store. we walked around the mall looking at all the little shops, finally meeting up with our friends to eat. we just got subway, something simple but it was like my second time ordering it.

  i said bye to my friends and skipped back home, smiling, thinking of today. when i got home i took a shower and put a face mask on. my family was out doing something, i can't remember. i danced to music, i put on the dress i bought and danced some more. i was in the middle of my dancing when someone knocked at the door, i turned the music down and walked to the door. i was shocked to see louis standing there nervously smiling. "louis? uh hi!" "uh hi, can i- come in?" i looked behind him realizing it was raining, i nodded moving out of the way. 

  he took his jacket off, he had changed wearing black sweatpants and a plain shirt. "is- that mine?" i said pointing at the skateboard he was holding. "huh? oh uh yeah, yes!" he handed it to me. "are you ok?" i asked. he seemed really rushed. "oh yeah, i'm fine! i'm just cold." i nodded silently. "um, well do you want anything?" "oh! no, I'll get going now..." he stopped at the doorway, smirking as he turned around. "i like your hoodie by the way." i looked down realizing i was wearing his hoodie he gave me when we went skating. 

  "oh- i'm sorry! i can give it back! let me just-" "it's ok, give back later." he said pulling the hood over my head. i stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his back out at me. "wow that's just rude, sir." "sorry ma'am." he pretended to wipe a tear. he walked to the door waving, "bye bye!" he poked my forehead. "byee" i reached up and poked his forehead. he chuckled leaving the door. i was about to close the door when louis came running back up. "y/n do you want to be my partner?" "for-? what's-?" "there's this thing i do every year but i do it with karen, and just. did you want to do it with me this year?" he looked me dead in the eyes rain dripping from his hair. "um sure!" i gulped. 

  he smiled, "you're the best." "i know," i said jokingly, nodding. "ok, so come to my house around 2 tomorrow?" "yeah, ok but where do you live?" "just add me on snap and you can see." "oh ok." he paused, biting his lip, "you think you can sleepover? everyone else is, except for daniel and karen." "maybe, I'll ask." he nodded walking down the steps. "hey! how'd you find where i live?" "jack!" he answered. now it was my turn to run up to him. "louis?" he turned around. "i know you couldn't stay away from me to long, i'm so irresistible." i giggled, "no! can you just give me daniel's number?" "oh yeah, sure." he sounded a bit disappointed but i didn't know why. i handed him my phone, he had such soft hands i almost gasped. he typed in daniels' number, looking up. "you want mine?" "sure!" i smiled, smiling back at me he looked down typing it changing his name to 'darling.' "louis!" i laughed snatching my phone out of his hands but since he didn't let go i was sort of hold his hands which were holding my phone? "let go." "never." he said flirtatiously, bending down to my height. 

  my eyes widened. shaking his hands off the phone i stepped back. "o-ok I'll see you tomorrow?" "yeah." he smiled warmly. it was a really nice smile, unlike one i'd seen before but to be fair he didn't smile at me that much. smiling, i walked into my house. my first sleepover in london! eeeeeeee!!

zoe :)

so a BOY asked YOU to a SLEEPOVER?!?! 



zoe :)

this is huuggee! 


                                                       yeah but other people will be there! so its not like it means anything??

zoe :) 

yeah.. other COUPLES, it'll be like a couple sleepover! your so blind y/n..


                                                                                                                                oh. i didn't think of it that way 0_0

  was this what louis was trying to do? i decided it couldn't be, i mean he was with karen. he doesn't even like me that much. 


hi everyone sorry about the text i don't know how to do them properly, if you know how please tell meee :D thank you

darling • louis partridgeWhere stories live. Discover now