- chapter 2 -

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will had hoped that it was something better or fun but it was clear he was still hung up on el. he looked up at the other with a sympathetic frown along with slightly irritated eyes, he really didnt want to hear his life long crush talk about missing his ex who he was very jealous of but if thats what mike wanted, mike got it, was always like that ever since they were kids he was the lucky one.

the shorter male moved over on mikes bed before patting the space next to him lightly "sure, im always here for you" he smiled weakly trying to comfort him as mike smiled back at him and rushed over to the bed, jumping onto it while laughing attemtping to lighten the mood a little. both teens sat there laughing for a few seconds until it died down and instead of happiness sorrow could be seen on mikes face "i just..uh..she.." he tried to explain his feelings and thoughts but honestly he didnt know himself or at least couldnt put them into words. will placed his delicate hands onto his friends shoulders "its okay mike take your time" their eyes locked, wills lovingly but mike were just..normal?.. will was the one to break first and pull away "anyway, ill be your therapist for the day yeah?" he smirked and grabbed a notebook he had put in his backpack and fake glasses that were now place on his face "so! mr wheeler..tell me how you feel" he sat up straight before getting up on his knees and pushing mike down onto the bed slowly, will had been to therapy once or twice for his nerves and anxiety and they always made him get comfy by laying down so it was easier to open up. mike chuckled and did what his new therapist wanted "hmm..okay.. ill try" his voice turned quiet and sad as he took a deep breath then exhaled "so.. I feel lost? like im not me without her its like I need her?..i don't know this is stupid-" mike tried to sit up but he felt two small hands push him back down "tut tut mr wheeler, stupid? really? come on im trying to help just go with it" will brought his hands away from mikes chest and cleared his throat "this is normal for new breakups don't worry, but you have to do your best to forget about her.." 

what the hell am I talking about?? ive never been in a relationship??  will thought to himself, tapping his notes with his pen. mike twiddled his fingers and frowned "but what did I do?? why did she break up with me??" his voice raised making his friend worried at how stressed mike was over a girl. will shook his head and shifted awkwardly "it isn't your fault mike, don't blame yourself it isn't healthy at all! you need to let go seriously, forget about her" that was the only advice he could give since he really had NO CLUE about therapy stuff or dating. he watched the others face twist into a sour expression "I cant will!! what do you not understand?! I loved her!!! she was my everything!!!" mike began to shout obviously not meaning to but he was angry and heartbroken. will jumped and moved back a little feeling small tears fill his eyes, he turned his head away quickly in an attempt to hide his feelings "well guess what?! I cant help you!! your right this is stupid!!!" he shouted back to defend himself "I didn't want to hear you complain about your girlfriend anyway!!!" his voice cracked and squeaked as more and more tears showed, his feelings spilling uncontrollably. 

will slammed his fists down onto the bed as he got up and put away his things and walked towards mikes bedroom door, mike stopped shouting when he noticed the tears in wills eyes he knew will had gone through enough with the Demogorgon and mind flayer he watched him cry every time they saw each other all the fear and pain he had to go through, he didn't want his friend hurt anymore "will! please, please don't go! listen I'm sorry alright? I didn't mean to shout.." will stopped and just stood still sniffling while his tears dropped onto mikes wooden floor "I tried my best to help you..you asked the worst person for dating advice you should of asked your sister Instead she can tell you all about her and steves make out sessions" will teased as his crying turned into laughter, mike smiled and shook his head "fuck you dude" he laughed too. the smaller male turned to face mike with mocking kissy faces "mwah mwah Steve! oh Steve! kiss me more!!" he got louder until seeing his friend turn red and cover his mouth. will looked at him confused "what?.." he could feel somebody stood behind him, it was Nancy with a scowl spread ear to ear and arms folded "I- uh- I'm sorry!" will ran back to mikes bed since he could practically feel the mad heat radiating from her "whatever. You know I'm with Johnathan now right? and he's an even better kisser! he's so strong too and-" will covered his ears "I don't wanna hear you talking bout my BROTHER like that nance!" he acted like he was gonna throw up  causing an outburst of laughter from the brother and sister. 

"oh mike mom said that shes going out with dad and holly so im in charge got it?" an almost evil smirk grew onto her face. mike turned to will and smiled "wanna go to the arcade instead?" he asked eagerly so he didn't have to be around Nancy and possibly be her slave like usually when they were home alone "but we don't have quarters?" will shrugged then seeing mike pull out a small jar from under his bed revealing quite a few quarters "I saved em up!" he said smugly, grabbing wills hand accidently since he meant to grab his wrist instead but still dragged him "c'mon lets go!" he ran out of the house along with his short friend following behind.

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