Marin's entry at Marinette's school

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Author's note: I am really sorry for the late update guys but my mind was completely empty... anyways here I come with a new chapter and hope u like it...🤞☺️


The next morning, I was high on my spirits. I was completely energetic and was on my boost today.

This is my day..

I spent hours talking to my brother at midnight yet I was full on energy today. I thought of changing my style a bit so went to do my morning chores and changed into one of my designed dress and changed my hairstyle.

"Wow, Marinette! Adrien is gonna have nosebleed today", Tikki gushed to me.

"Thanks Tikki. Well this is not for Adrien actually but that's a bonus though. Well I got along with my brother and he always boosts up my confidence without even knowing so here I am. A new improvised Marinette ready to kick ass", I said with a bow.

"Well you both are awfully close unlike other siblings but his presence is really good for you. Your inner Ladybug is shining today"

I just giggled at her comment.

(Sorry But her outfit will be on Adrien's POV.... #suspense)

I went down fast and took my bag to go for school.

"Someone's jumping today",my mom called out slyly.

"Yup, I have to kick some asses today", I said thinking about Chloe and Lila.

"What is all with this get up Buggie? You are gonna give boys a hard time", my brother teased.

"Well hope my crush likes it", I said knowing that this will get him on.

"Wait what? You have a crush?", he asked wide eyed going into big brother mode.

I nodded.

"Who is it?"

I along with my mom and dad made silent mouth zipping motion. Marin just pouted and said, "Hey! Not fair. C'mon tell me".

"The most handsome guy", I gushed and fake day dreamed knowing this will irritate my brother.

"Who is it?", he growled.

"The best guy with dreamy eyes that someone could die for. He has the best abs too. Wish he would ask me out", I started gushing that I didn't realise that I had truly started daydreaming about Adrien than acting to irritate Marin.

My parents just chuckled and went inside while Marin just stood there fuming.

"Who. Is. That?",he hissed.

"Not telling", I shouted and ran out of the house towards school.

"BUGGIE!!!", I could hear him thundering from the house.

I practically danced my way to the school and saw Alya, Nino and Adrien standing outside. I got an idea. Well Adrien always startles me right? Now it's my turn..

I slowly crept towards them and then


"GAH", all three got startled and fell on their buts. I just stood there staring before bursting into laughter.

"Oh My.... Ha ha ha ha... Gods... you guys are .... I can't believe...", I was choking on my words between laughters while they stood up. I expected them to glare at me but I didn't expect them to stare at me wide eyed. Adrien was pink cheeked for some unknown reason (yes tables have turned... right now Mari is oblivious)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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