Chapter 18

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Camila couldn't quite calm herself after the brief knock to the cheek earlier in the room after Lauren and Sam had consumed themselves in a rage filled argument surrounding the whole 'lie' he had been forced to tell about Camila.. that however wasn't the root of her crying eyes, it was more about the aching feeling in her heart that was only ever briefly masked by Lauren's tender embrace.. it never left, not really

She sat alone at a table placed at the back of the luxurious looking food court with wet cheeks leaning against her oversized black sweater just thinking.. contemplating before a familiar panicked face strut slowly towards the table, she didn't look up.. she just sat there as a warm hand reach across the table to poke her arm gently


Lauren spoke softly almost timid at the thought she'd pissed the girl off, it was never her intention nor desire.. she liked her.. loved her deep down.. But after she didn't respond she knew instantly she'd have to try a little harder for her attention

"I'm sorry we argued like that.. and I'm sorry that you got hurt! It wasn't supposed to get like that I swear.."

The girl finally lift her head using her sleeves to wipe at her damp cheeks sniffing back on her runny nose before folding her arms across the table still not bothering to look into the elders eyes

"It's not just about that though Lauren? You guys are arguing like kids when I'm over here hurting just as much as you are? My life changed too!"

She spoke with a quiet yet sad voice still evidently proving her time spent crying over the matter prior to Lauren's arrival, the green eyed girl glance down at the table feeling majorly guilty for not even really considering the girls feelings before lashing out on Sam.. she hated that about herself, jumping the gun before watching for others pain

"Camila I- I'm really.. really sorry! Honestly I am, I didn't real-

"No you didn't realise! I don't even know anything about myself right now? The family who raised me aren't even related to me.. I'm an orphan.. that shit is a lot!"

She admit blinking heavily releasing a few stray tears that slip over her cheeks and down onto the table in front leaving Lauren with a raging guilt she'd never really felt before, her hand reach across the table unhooking Camila's from inside of her jumper to hold on with a soft clasp finally causing the brown pools to meet her wanting gaze

"I've learnt over the years that family is almost never blood Camila.. they loved and raised you without question.. you're exactly who they made you to be?"

"But I'm not am I? I'm different! My entire life people always looked at me like I didn't belong because I was 'crazy smart' and 'weirdly talented' I hated that? Now I know that it's because I was trained like an assassin from the second I could walk.."

She reply timidly wiping a few more stressed out tears from her cheeks, she knew she sounded ungrateful because her family gave her a great life and even went through with the efforts of making up a past to hide her confusion.. but Lauren saw that.. she was far from dumb and knew the girl was just having a hard time processing things just as she was in that moment

"You're perfect Camila? You were then and you ARE now! Just because other people can't see that doesn't mean that it's not true... all of those things your self conscious about are things people would literally kill to have.."

Lauren spoke honestly trying to break through the younger girls troubled heart.. she'd never done anything like this before and even swallowed her own pride to fall down on her level, it was evident she had began to care about the girl she knew now differently to the one she knew back then...

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