Chapter 2

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I woke draco up and said "hey we're here."

He said "couple more minutes!"

I smiled and said "come on!"

He groaned and got up.

After Dumbledores speech
I went to my dorm and I was talking to pansy.

"I'm actually in love with draco...but he's like my Bestfriend!" I said

"Myka he's in love with you to!" She said laughing.

Then draco said "who's in love with you?"

I said "no one."

He laid on my bed. Pansy smiled and laughed.

Draco said "IM BORED!"

I said "you always are!"

He grabbed my waist and I was super close to him.

I smiled and said "and what would you like to do draco?"

He said "anything with you."

Pansy said "I need to use the bathroom.."

She left and yelled "have fun!"

I smiled and blushed. He smiled and I said "we could go to the library?"

He said "no!"

I said "then you choose."

He touched my lips and said "I have something we could try."

I smiled and almost kissed him but daphne walked in and said "where's pansy?"

Pansy walked in and said "YOU RUINED IT DAPHNE!"

I laughed and said "uh I think we should go to bed right draco?"

He looked upset and said "yea.."

He got up and I walked him out.

I said "uh tomorrow we could all hang out?"

He said "yea sure whatever."

I rubbed his cheek and said "hey what's wrong?"

He said "nothing."

I kissed him and smiled and said "dont tell me you thought you were gonna leave without a kiss?"

He smiled and said "we don't speak about this infront of anyone."

I said "right."

He said "bye myka"

I said "bye draco."

I went in my dorm and said "best day ever."

Pansy laughed.

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