Question 7

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Me: Oona, you got another question.

Oona: Not sure if that's good or bad. *points to card* Is that good, or bad?

Me: We'll see. Guys, what do you think?

Ori: Good!

Orchid: Good, Sherman.

Otis: Oh, good.

Olympia: I really hope it's bad!

Oona and Otis: What?

Olympia: Bad... in a good way! Like rotten cherries on a really good cupcake! You get what I mean?

*Oona, Otis, and I shake heads no*

Otto: I do!

Olive: Giys, stop wasting time. Read the card.

Me: Alright. Oona, you've been dared to ask out Oscar.

Oona: What? No no no no no no no no NOOOOO!

Olympia: *fist pump* I knew it would be bad!

*Otis rolls eyes*

Orchid: Do it, Sherman. It might actually be worth it.

Oona: *shaky voice*

Meanwhile, in the lab...

*Oscar is about to test a gadget*

Oona: *very shaky* Heyy, Oscar.

Oscar: Oona! Long time no see. How've you been?

Oona: No time to chat. *sigh* I've been dared to ask you out.

Oscar: *drops the gadget he was holding*

*gadget shoots confetti*

Oona: *was looking for an excuse to leave* Whoops, I'll get that. *runs very quickly in relief*

Oscar: Okay. Oh, and Oona?

Oona: Yes?

Oscar: *blushing* I accept your offer.

Oona: *is so shocked, she drops the confetti-gadget, shooting confetti directly at Ms. O*

Ms. O: *growls*

Oona: Oopsies, sorry. *runs toward Oscar*

Ms. O: Get back to work! *walks away*

*Oscar and Oona look at each other and hug*

Sorry for the wait for this. Hope you enjoyed!

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