Question 8 continued!

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Me: Guys, do you seriously think hiding here is going to work?

After running, we tried to hide in a closet. There wasn't enough room, so we ran to Oscar's bunker.

Orchid: Nope. This ain't workin', sherman.

Olympia: Yeah, and I'm squished!

Otis: There's not enough room for anyone!

Ocean: Do I have to be flat up against the wall?

Ohlm: Ow!

Me: What is it?

Ohlm: I wanted to eat these beans, but they were inside a can. So I bonked the can against my head to open it. Now my head hurts.

Olympia: Why would you do that?

Ohlm: Because-

Me: Because he's OHLM, that's why! 

*Someone knocks on the door*

Everyone: AHHHHH! 

Me: Who will answer that?

Otis: Otto will.

Otto: Why me?

Otis: Cause you got us into this mess!

Otto: How did I-

Ocean: Otto, you suggested going into this bunker.

*Rapid knocking*

Me: Go, go, go!

Otto: Alright. *shudders* Wh-who is it?

Knocker: Let me in now!!!

Otto: Who are you? 

Knocker: Let me in NOW.

Otto: Are you Oona?

Knocker: LET ME IN NOW!!!

Otto: *so scared he just opens the door*

*Girl with loose dark brown hair tumbles in*


Knocker: What? You realize I'm not Oona, right?

Olympia: Oh yeah, Oona had a ponytail in her hair, while your hair is down.

Me: And you're wearing an agent's uniform, not a scientist's.

*It takes a little bit for everyone to realize that it's Olive, not Oona*

Otto: What happened to your hair?

Olive: Long story short, Oona went on a crazed rampage because of the dare. In the mess of everything, I don't even know how it fell out.

*someone knocks on door*

Olive: *goes to door*

Me: Woah, what do you think you're doing?

Olive: Answering the door. *to knocker* Who is it?

Knocker: Your worst nightmare.

Ohlm: Cool! *opens door*

Olympia: We're done for.


Oscar, outside(not in the bunker): Technically, that's not your bunker, Oona.

Oona: Then who's is it?

Oscar: It's free use. As long as you sign it out, unless it's an emergency.

Oona: Well, then, WAS THIS AN EMERGENCY?

Me: Yes.

Everyone except Oscar and Oona: How?

Me: Oona was destroying everything. We ran in here for our lives.

Oona: Then, if I don't destroy everything, can you get out of there.

Me: *about to agree, but then everyone in the bunker tramples me*

Oona: Okay, I'll take that as a yes.

Oh wow, it's actually over 400 words! Sorry it was so long, I actually have a life other than Wattpad.

Ask Odd Squad!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora