The First Performance

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Ness POV

We were at the Eurovision singing contest (A/N: It's a singing contest in Europe this was the original band's first debut).

"Ness, I'm nervous" says Lucas

"Don't worry sweetie we'll do great" I assure him

"Yeah how. If Claus and Ninten don't arrive soon, we'll have to forfeit" Lucas said shakingly

All of a sudden, a coffee table that looked like Mr. Saturn comes up to us.

"Are we late?" Claus asks

"About Time" I yelled angrily we are next

"Yeah we would've arrived sooner if Ninten didn't have to go poo" Claus said

Ninten was completely red in the face

"Ok whatever" I said " As long as we're here---" I was cut off by the speaker

"Can NLCN please come backstage, you're next"

Lucas was now crying

"We're gonna fail, we're gonna fail, we're gonna fuck it up" Lucas said while crying

"No we won't now breathe" Claus said

"Ok" Lucas said

He was feeling better

The band will be Lucas and Claus as vocals, Ninten on piano, and I'm on guitar. Of course, we are all gonna be singing, but the main vocals are Claus and Lucas.

"Hello Europe" I said "We are NLNC, we are from EagleLand, and we are couples still dating. Me and Lucas" Lucas raised his hand and waved. "And Claus and Ninten" they both waved at the camera. "Ok let's begin" I scream

(A/N: This is the song the original band played at the contest. Just imagine their faces with Ninten, Claus, Lucas, and Ness respectively over the original band's faces)

We finished the song, and the whole audience erupted in clapter

We took a bow and walked off the stage

After 4 hours of waiting, it was time for the results

We were representing EagleLand, and when the last country got their votes which was us. It was announced that we won by a major landslide. 

We got to sing the song once more, and we got the trophy and headed for home.

When we got home, our families were there to greet us. Lucas and Claus' dad, my mom and sister, and Ninten's Mom and little sisters. We all went out to celebrate. When all of a sudden. Something amazing happened. 

A/N: Oooh Cliffhanger maybe...)

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