Diamond and Ebony

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Ebony goes to Diamond's house to talk to her about Ronnie for the 100th time which annoys the hell out of Diamond
Ebony- hey girl shouldn't you be at work
Diamond- I only go to work when a crime has been committed and I have to investigate what you doing here
Ebony- so I saw Ronnie earlier today at Walmart
Diamond- I know you not about to talk about her again I wish you would let that shit go
Ebony- she told me in the store that the reason I was raped was because I reaped what I sowed and the reason you didn't come get me I called was because you didn't care about me is that true did you not care?
Diamond- first of all I was mad at you so anything you had to say I didn't want to hear it and it's not that I didn't care but I was giving you tough love. I told you not to hang around them but you claimed you was grown and didn't need nobody so I let you deal with this on your own.
Ebony- so what made you change your mind to come get me?
Diamond - i had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to you so I tried my best to come as fast as I could but it was to late once I saw you beaten and raped all of my being mad at you went out the window. Listen I know your looking for an apology and maybe little revenge from Ronnie but honey she may never apologize to you and that's something your going to have to accept
Ebony - has she ever apologized to you?
Diamond - no she hasn't and she may never will and that's ok  because I got what I wanted at the end of the day so there's no beef between us
Ebony-  and see you got your revenge on her why can't I get mine I just feel like I need to get back her take something that means a lot to her
Diamond - ebony don't do anything stupid Ronnie maybe a lot of things but she's no fool you could get hurt  don't take this personal but you not that bright you might take it to far and then end up in jail don't throw yours life away
Ebony - I don't care what you say I'm getting my revenge she hurt me and now I'm gonna hurt her
Diamond - ebony I don't think you could beat her in a fight she got height over you
Ebony- who said anything about fighting it's gonna be more severe than that maybe I'll take something that means the world to her
Diamond- girl whatever do what you want I'm done talking about it.

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