Chapter Two

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After breakfast sakura went upstairs to freshen up.

"Sakura...." Her grandmother walked in "I came to give you this" she passed Sakura a dress "its for you to wear"

"Thank you I'll get dress after I've taken a shower" her grandmother nodded and walked out.

Naruto (Third person POV)

"Sir...." Naruto turned around as he just woke up from his nap sitting up the bedsheets called down revealing his toned sun kissed chest and visible six pack the sunlight hits his chest giving it a vibrant morning glow.

"What is it?" Naruto asked huskily.

"Your grandparents have been asking where are you" that seemed to snap him out of his trance (and also ruin the mood for the author and the readers) as he got up but he got tangled in his sheets and fell off the bed.

"Sir are you alright?" He asked trying to hold back his laughter but failed.

Naruto glared from where he was seated on the floor he sighed cracking a small smile "Get breakfast ready... I'll get dress also tell my Grandparents not to worry I'll be there"

He nodded and walked out Naruto picked himself up off of the floor and head to the bathroom to freshen up.


Naruto walked to the table where it was decorated with all sorts of breakfast food it was basically a feast.

Sighing he walked over to the table as soon as he sat down he receives a phone call without checking the caller ID he answered.

"WHERE ARE YOU BRAT!" Naruto removed the phone away from his ear

"Ah granny I'll be there" Naruto said to his grandma tsunade.

"You better be on time" Naruto shivered at the tone of her voice and told the Butler to get the car ready.

"Don't worry I'll be on time" he heard her huff he sighed before hanging up the phone.

Sakura (Third Person POV)

Sakura stepped out of her bedroom fully dressed she had on a pink off shoulder dress knee length dress the gift from her grandmother with pink low inch heels with her natural beauty (no makeup) her hair had a pink flower clip to hold back her hair from falling in front of her face.

"Wow you look stunning" Sakura grandmother gushed while her grandfather nodded in approval sakura couldn't help it but blushed.

"Alright let's go" They all walked out and a limo was there waiting for them sakura halted in her steps "It's okay sakura they sent a ride there house is very far"

Sakura nodded and they entered the limo getting comfortable sakura asked "so what's he like?" She was trying to make the air lighter.

"He's a modest person a litter clumsy but over all he's a nice person" sakura nodded and looked out the window.


After three hours of driving they finally cane to a stop the driver stepped out of the car first before then opened the door for the rest of the family.

"Ahh himari I was afraid you wouldn't turn up" A blond hair woman said smiling.

"Tsunade you know you're house is a bit to far" Sakura's grandmother replied "oh this is sakura"

The woman identify as tsunade looked sakura up and down before smiling.

"She's beautiful" Sakura blushed.

"Hiroshi I see you made it ya old sleaze bag" a grey haired guy said.

"Oh Jayria how's the book coming along still spying on women ya old hermit" Sakura's grandfather said.

The guy known as Jayria smiled "its called research"

"Anyway that brat is late let's go in your legs must be tired" all of them nodded. "I'm going to give that brat an earful when he gets here" tsunade threatened.

Naruto (Third Person POV)

Naruto shivered again before checking his watch "I'm so late Granny's gonna kill me"

"Should I write your will" Naruto smiled he was really friendly with his workers.

"Its fine she won't kill me I'm her favourite grandchild" Naruto stared at the house that was coming into view he was feeling nostalgic he instantly remembers his childhood when he used to come here everyday before the tragic fate took place.

"We're here... Shall I wait for you" Naruto shook his head.

"No you go ahead there's no need I'll be staying here for a few days" Naruto stepped out of the car grabbing his suitcase and head to the front door before knocking.


"Ah it hurts" Naruto groaned out.

Sakura who was sitting on the couch covered her mouth to prevent her laughs from escaping but it didn't work as Naruto stared at her.

'Such a cute giggle' everyone took their eyes off of sakura and stared at Naruto Sakura's eyes grew wide and a blush tainted her cheeks.

"You idiot" Tsunade slapped the back of Naruto's head lightly.

"Oops did I say that out loud" everyone nodded and he scratched the back of his head laughing nervously "its true though she's pretty"

Sakura blushed spread and she became embarrassed Sasuke never compliment her like that.

"Tsunade where's the bathroom?" Sakura asked quietly.

"Oh its upstairs third door to the right" Sakura nodded and head to where tsunade said.

"Naruto my boy how's the business coming along have you met any hottie's" Jayria smirked moving his eyebrows up and down.

"No pervy-sage" he noticed two more persons before smiling "himari and Hiroshi its nice to see you again"

"Its nice to see you I hope being the CEO isn't getting to your head" he said smiling.

"No it hasn't Ahh right I'll be staying for a few days" Naruto grabbed his suitcase and headed upstairs stopping he entered his old room his childhood room.

It was the same as he left it but it was modified the kid bed was removed and replaced with a king size bed the walls were a light shade of blue decorated with pictures of when he was smaller he place his suitcase on the bed when he heard the door close.

He whipped around the same pink hair girl stepped out of the door of the bathroom.

"Um..... Hi" they both said at the same time Naruto laughed nervously.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki" he stretched his hand out.

"Sakura Hanuro" they shook hands both of them felt a spark they pulled away.

"Sakura Naruto time for lunch" Naruto opened the door.

"After you" sakura smiled and nodded walking out while thinking

'Maybe this arrange marriage won't be so bad after all'

Ahhh I'm done my neck is hurting from keeping it in one place the entire time I'm not gonna say much but hope you enjoy this I tried to do much as possible comment if any mistakes were made I'm out

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