Find Me a Cure

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Ugh random idea for a fic, shouldn't be long. Oh and this one is a cross over... Damn just realized that this may be longer than I thought. Oh well enjoy.


Alfred couldn't believe it. He stared at the pregnancy test he held. He was pregnant! How? He was pretty sure he was a dude. Then again, he was a nation. Maybe certain things didn't apply to him. But its not like he had even been seeing anyone. Wait, there was that one night he and Arthur... Damn, he knew he shouldn't have bottomed.

Alfred goes and picks up his phone to call his doctor. It could be a false positive right and then he could get a good laugh out of this when he told his brother what he'd done.


Eight months later Alfred finds himself in labor and being put under for a caesarian. He'd spent the last eight months avoiding the other nations and setting things up so his kid could live comfortable with their new family. He'd found a nice couple in Ohio that had been trying to adopt for a while and arranged for them to take his child in. The couple didn't know this yet, of course. He'd also set up several bank accounts, a savings and checking account, they just were waiting for his kid to be born so their name could be put on them. He wouldn't just abandon the kid, he'd make sure they'd get a good education and that meant money for college.

When Alfred came to after the surgery he was presented with a beautiful baby girl. He named her Elizabeth Liberty. Her new family would tack on their last name of Johnson, but for now it was Jones. Tears rolled from his eyes as he looked down into his little girl's big green eyes. Funny he thought all babies were born with blue eyes. Oh well he'd think about it some other time. For now he just wanted to enjoy the time he had with her.

It was only 24 hours before he had made himself take his Elizabeth and leave her for her new parents to find. He wrapped her in a simple pink baby blanket. The only personal thing he'd allowed himself to leave her was his pewter cross from when he had first been taken in by Arthur. His initials, 'AFJ', had been stamped into the metal. He watched as the woman opened the door to find her on their doorstep. He didn't want to leave her behind like this but it would never be safe for her to be known as his.


Short beginning, sad too. Next chapter will be longer and will have the crossover. Least it should. I may end up posting this all at once instead of taking time to post, type, post again, type, well you get the idea. Please review.

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