Chapter 3

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I hope I'm doing a good job with House and his gang. Its been a while since I last watched the show and well... Anyway I do hope you all are enjoying this, and that I even have an audience to read this.


House made his way through the halls to his patient's room. He hadn't had a chance to harass the girl yet and this newest bit of information had him curious. Oh its not like he hadn't heard of things like this before. Some people would let the way their stocks went up and down affect their health, but those were mostly adults and it was never a life long thing. This girl had supposedly been having these symptoms since she was an infant.there did seem to be a few odd coincidences but he assumed that she just didn't react to bad news well.

Well he'd find out soon as he had just arrived at the girl's room.

"Knock knock." He stepped into the room and saw that the girl looked up as he entered.


"I'm Dr. House and one of my team just gave me the results of one of your tests that he was running."

He watched as she sat there patiently. Hmm seemed he'd have to try harder to get a rise out of this one.

"Apparently you're a human ticker-tape machine." He chirruped

She gave him a blank stare, "A human what?"

Giving an overly exaggerated sigh he settles himself down on the corner of her hospital bed. "A human ticker-tape machine."

"I have no idea what that is."

"It means your symptoms coincide with the stock market's down turns. So how often do you sit around watching C-SPAN?"

Silence ensued for a while.

"I don't. What makes you think what I've been suffering has anything to do with stocks? Not like I pay attention to that sort of thing."

"Huh? You really don't keep up with the stock market?"


"Alright, then how about your 9/11 attack? That was an interesting way to react to the news."

"Actually I was already in the hospital when the news reached me. Unconscious. I found out a few days after it happened, after I regained consciousness."

The two stare at each other for a long moment before House broke it.

"Well that blows that theory out the window."

"Figures." Sighing she pulled a necklace out from under her hospital gown and began to fiddle with it. The action drew House's attention and was reminded of another strange case he had encountered years ago. He hadn't thought to make a connection until he saw that cross.


House was a med student at Johns Hopkins Medical School. He was working in the clinic of the school's hospital when in came the strangest patient he had met to date. He came in complaining of low blood pressure and anemia. When House began his examination of this strange patient, he had laughed.

"Dude, don't bother. You're not going to find the cause. Just give me a prescription for iron supplements. That's what everyone else always ends up doing."

"But don't you want to know what's wrong with you?"

"Its no big, just the economy's in another slump." The blonde haired blue eyed young man was looking down and fiddling with a simple metal cross as he said this.


House hadn't ever figured out what was wrong with that patient and ever since kept a copy of his file on hand to mule over when he got bored. He studied the girl sitting across from him, she was staring down at the cross she was fiddling with. A cross that looked so much like the one that one patient had been wearing.

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