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The air is cold today. I enter Monèts and walk up to the small, young red head who stands behind the register. Her freckles are ever so subtle across her nose.

"The usual?" She says over the clicking sound of the cash register as she puts in my order. I nod and hand her cash without speaking a word.

As I wait, I look around at the empty street, watching as the occasional light turns on in a nearby apartment, and store owners open up shop for the day.

"She isn't gonna be here today" the woman catches me off guard as she hands me my tea.

"I don't know what you mean" I say quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"So he does speak" snarky one she is. "Don't think I haven't noticed you watching her" I take a sip of my tea in response.

"She won't be here for a couple days, she has family coming into town".


"Thanks again" I slip a five dollar bill across the counter and leave with my drink.

If that woman has noticed me, then she definitely has as well. Quite frankly, I don't recall a single moment that I caught her looking at me. Not even once. I would know because that's all I've been doing to her.

I hop into my car, placing my tea into the drink holder beside me. I quickly start my car up. A soft hum purrs from the engine. I pull out of my parking spot, making my way down the street . As I slowly approach a stop sign I look at my watch. it's 2:24pm on a Tuesday, so she must be at the grocers.

The sky is full of clouds and darkness. As the rain gently pours down on her, I follow while keeping my distance.

She enters the small grocery shop on the corner. I watch as the doors close softly behind her, waiting 30 seconds before entering.

She's wearing black jeans, and a grey oversized sweater. Her hair is up in a floppy bun, sitting at the top of her head. Her face is naked and her yellow nail polish is ever so slightly chipping.

The only thing in her basket is strawberries and a pack of cigarettes. I didn't really take her as a smoker.

She makes her way around the store, not spending too much time on each item. She enters a different isle with a large assortment of canned foods. she scans her eyes through the isle, squinting her eyes as she concentrates on the shelves.

"Excuse me-" she calls out to a man walking in her direction, ultimately cutting her off. the hurried man ignored her as if she was nothing but a ghost. Her and I sigh in unison, though she is unaware of that. before I know it she is looking my way.

"Excuse me sir?"

I turn around to make sure she isn't speaking to someone else. When I turn back she's moved a couple steps towards me and wears a shy smile.

"Uh yes?" I respond hesitantly.

"Could you be my second eye? I'm trying to find this special kind of sauce" she chuckles slightly, her cheeks turning red with nervousness, or maybe embarrassment. Though

I don't understand what is so embarrassing about asking a stranger for help.

"Yeah, what kind is it?" I ask, following behind her as she leads me towards the tomato sauces.

"Rao's Arrabbiata" she definitely didn't pronounce that correctly. I catch her chuckling as she realizes her mistake.

I look over each shelf carefully, trying to find anything starting with an "R". Then I see it. Well it's the right brand, but I don't see the aribitata one, or whatever you call it.

"Is this it?" I ask, already knowing the answer

"Close but not it." She sighs. I take one more look on the shelf, behind all the various flavors.

"Do you see it back there?" She asks, I can tell she's gotten closer to me. The smell of her perfume fills the air surrounding me.

"Uh" I stutter, suddenly distracted. As I take one more look at the last bottle in the back, it reads "arrabbiata".

This must be it.

"Well?" She asks again. I quickly look back at her.

"Oh, no" I say quickly, releasing the bottle from my grip.

"I didn't see anything" I say

Suddenly we are both interrupted by the sound of my phone beeping under my coat. "Sorry about that" I tell her as I take a peak at the screen.

"do what you need to do."

When I looked up not even half a second later, she was gone

When she goes out of my sight, I take the glass jar out from the back of the shelf. I stay back in the aisle, casually watching her from afar as and elderly woman scans the few items in her basket. She flashes a smile at the cashier as she pays and takes her bags. A dimple peaks through her right cheek.

I walk over to the register a couple lanes over, careful that she doesn't see the item sitting in my hands, I grab a pack of gum throwing it in front of the cashier.

My eyes focus mostly on her as she makes her way outside the store. I place a twenty on the counter and take the jar without a bag, giving the cashier no attention as I make my way over to her.

"Excuse me?" I call after her as she exits the store. and She looks back at me, grocery bag is clutched in one hand and an unlit cigarette in other.

"Uh, yes?" she smiles

"I found the sauce you were looking for" I say handing it to her, "someone must've put it on the wrong shelf"

"Oh, you really didn't have to" she says reaching down into her purse, "here let me pay you back"

"Oh no don't worry about it." I chuckle stopping her.

"Are you sure?" She looks up at me with a hint confusion

"Yeah really it's fine" she takes the sauce from my hands, her fingertips grazing mine every so slightly.

The sound of a loud ring disrupts our conversation, taking her attention away from me.

"Sorry I have to take this" she says

"It's okay. Have a good day, and enjoy" I signal to the sauce and shoot her a wink, causing her to smile again.

"Hi Nana" she says into the reciever.

She continues talking on the phone. I'm not sure if I should stick around or not so I just slowly start walking away.

But then I'm stopped in my tracks by the feeling of a small hand on my shoulder.

"Hey wait up" I turn around to face her, Looking at her confused, "are you doing anything later?" She asks

Is she asking me on a date?

"No, I don't think so, why?" I ask

"Well, I was supposed to be cooking for my Nana and I, but her flight just got canceled" she rocks back on her heels as she speaks, "and I've got more than enough food to feed just myself"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I give her a slight smile

"I mean only if you want to" she says quietly.

This is perfect.

"Yeah, I'd love to" I nod and give her a smile

"Here is my address and phone number" she takes a pen out of the small purse hanging on her shoulder and writes the information down on the back of a receipt.

"You can only join me on one condition though" she says holding the paper out

"And what's that" I hum

"You tell me your name" she smiles up at me

"My name's Ha- it's Edward" 

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