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*8 months later*

I honestly had to do a time jump because it has been so long since I've updated that none of the ideas I had for this story for anymore. Obviously when I edit the finished story I will add in the time gap but they'd be with filler chapters anyways.

Anyways enjoy 🤍.


Avery walked into the completed studio and spun around with a smile on her face. Today was the opening of her own art show. From the beginning of this gallery's idea. Avery didn't really want to display any of her arts. She wanted this place to be a way for young artists, especially the ones in the foster system could see their own hard work displayed.

But a few months back, Ian had convinced her to have just one night for herself. A night where she displayed her own work for sale. Ian convinced her to do it by saying that it would bring in a lot of money to help maintain the place and Avery had finally said yes. And, with Ian's help and a trustee event planner, they were able to pull this night off.

"This place looks amazing!" Nami squealed as she came up from the stairs and Avery turned to face her.

"You're here!" Avery went to hug her friend.

After her honeymoon with Josh, Nami got her taste in traveling again. And since her wedding was in the summer, Nami had decided to take a year break from teaching to travel with her new husband.

Every month it's a new country and every week it's a new city. And Josh and Nami's parents were more than happy to provide them the funds to stay in any five star hotel they wanted. But the two of them wanted to do this the old fashion way and used their own money.

"How was Japan?" Avery asked and Nami grinned.

"Exceeded all expectations." She replied and Avery nodded.

"I want to see all of the travel photos. I will continue to live vicariously through you and Josh."

"You know, you could join me in some of the trips closer to the US. You and Ian both." She reminded and Avery waved her off.

"Eh, we'll get to travel the world on our own terms." She crinkled her nose at Nami who smiled back.

"How is Ian? Is he planning anything big for your birthday?" She asked and Avery smiled and nodded.

"He knew how much my parents wanted to celebrate my first official birthday with them so he's planning a big brunch at Mom and Dad's next week.

"Ohh, Mom and Dad." Nami wiggled her eyebrows and Avery rolled her eyes.

"Can you not get over that yet?" She asked and Nami shook her head no.

"I'm just so happy that you're confident in you guys relationship now that you don't just call them your birth parents."

"Oh shut up, " Avery rolled her eyes. "How is Josh? Are you ready to sign divorce papers yet?"

"Oh please! We're literally still on our honeymoon. Divorce papers aren't coming for another five years." She teased and Avery laughed.


Soft music was playing and Avery was standing in a corner of the room, biting her thumb nail when Ian found her.

"I have been looking for you all night! Where have you been?" He asked and she took her finger out of her mouth.

"Hiding," she confessed and Ian frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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