The nerd and the red hair thug

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In the middle of the night. In a place full of dumpster. a boy wearing unkempt clothes knead his temple and sigh.

"System, don't hide from me. I know you're there. "

When the system heard it's host indifferent and cold voice it trembled.

"Host, don't be mad. Hear me out first"

"Yes, please explain why am I inside this boy?"

"Host, this is the only available and the most suitable vessel for your soul. The original soul gave this body to you without a fight, reason why you easily manage to enter this body."

"Alright, I understand. Tell me more about this boy and my first mission"

"The body that you're occupies right now is Nathan Collen. A 24 year old thug who wasted his life through fighting, doing odd jobs and ruining other lives for his amusement. He is also the reason why the villain in this world blackened. The villain suffer in the hand of Nathan. He bullied him, plunder his money and savings and threaten him, and it was all because the villain saw Nathan use drug inside the campus. Back then the villain is just a normal student and a nerd who loves reading and studying until Nathan came and ruined his life."


1. Prevent the villain from blackening.
2. Seduce the villain and prevent him from falling in love with the female lead.
Points: 1,000
Rewards after completing the mission: 1 love potion, 2 Cupid arrows and 2 hide your aura pill.

Host, do you have any other questions?"

Nathan tightly close his eyes and laugh at his bad luck.

"How can you expect me to seduce a boy when I'm not a girl in the first place?"

"Host, you can do this! I trust you. "

"What if I fail to complete the mission?"

"Hehe, don't worry host. This system will turn you into a fly and let you be eaten  by frogs"

"You dare!?"

Nathan shrugs his head and  stood up. Run his fingers through his hair and walk back home using the original soul memories. He's a little shocked when he found where the original owner lives.

"Young master, welcome home." A man in his 40 greet him. Uncle Chen is Nathan's Butler and nanny. He raised Nathan since infants because Nathan's parents is workaholic but died in the accident, leaving Nathan as an orphan. However because Nathan's family is well-off. his parents left him with a lot of money and assets to inherit, but to Nathan this is just a burden to him. The original owner is a lunatic for sure.

"En" Nathan pursed his lips and walk inside the house. Uncle Chen leads him to his room. His room look decent and plain and the only decoration besides the curtains, bed, a single drawer and a full length mirror  is a family picture on the top of Nathan's bed. Nathan roam his eyes inside the room and felt satisfied until he saw his own reflection in the mirror.

"What the f*CK! " Nathan cried in disbelief. Touching his shining red hair and pinching the earings in his nose. Alright, this is not a dream. I really look like a trash. Sprinting,  Nathan dash to his bathroom and wash all the dirt on body. After showering, again he look into the mirror and finally showed a dashing smile.

"Not bad" the man in the mirror look absolutely gorgeous with his black orb and seductive eyes. Thin red  lips and pointed nose, and because of his red short hair, white skin and impressive body. He look hot! Nathan can't help but to drool.

"F*CK! This is my body. Why am I even drooling?!" Nathan's smacked his forehead, took his eyes away from the mirror and slip into his PJ. Climbing his bed he finally fell asleep.

System: Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now