Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

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The three best friends skipped up to the house, down the little, dirt path, laughing that they're all back together again. "Can you believe we get to go back to Hogwarts for one last year?! I'm so excited!" Hermione screeched in such joy.

"Hopefully, it's a quiet years at Hogwarts, always chance for something new! I'm just glad we're back together again." Laughed Ron, opening the door for the three of them to step into the warm, little house of the Weasleys.

"By the way Harry, Ginny's up stairs, you two are okay, right?" Hermione asked cautiously.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny decided that a relationship at this time wasn't the best for either of them. Ginny was grieving for her brother and Harry had so many commitments that they both decided that it would be best to split up. Neither of them harboured any bad feelings towards one another, Harry just hoped it wouldn't be awkward as this would be the first time seeing her since the break up. 

"It's fine Hermione." Harry gave her a reassuring smile, "It was best for both of us to split. There's no hard feelings." At which time both Mrs Weasley and Ginny came rushing downstairs.

"Harry, my dear! How are you? Come and eat some breakfast!" Mrs Weasley came fussing over Harry like always, pulling him into a warm hug.

"Hi Mrs Weasley, I'm fine thank you, breakfast would be lovely." He hugged back laughing, "Hey Ginny, how're you?" Harry asked nervously, after pulling away form the motherly hug. 

"I'm great. Don't be so nervous Quafflebrain." She laughed hugging him too. Harry smiled knowing that nothing was awkward between the two of them.

"Right, a spot of breakfast then!" Mrs Weasley cried and they all sat around the table to eat.


It was now much later in the day, they decided that they'd spend the night at the Burrow and in the morning, head out to Diagon Alley for their school supplies. As it were, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all sat around in Ron's room watching the flickering embers of a burning newspaper that Hermione had conjured, Ron always loved her little fires.

"How's Hogwarts Harry? Has the school be fixed?" Hermione inquired.

"Yeah, it looks like new almost, a few things to be completed but the professors should have it done by the time we get there." Harry smiled, thinking about the hard work he and the teachers put in over the summer.

"It'll be nice having a bit of peace for you I reckon, ey Harry." Ron asked knowing how much Harry's been through and how much he knew he needed a rest. "What, with the war and all the rebuilding you've done and all those court trials you had to sit through, a quiet year would do you good."

Harry laughed at this, yeah he could do with a quiet year, a few classes and a few exams, but mainly time for him to make real amazing memories with his friends. "It'll be great! All together again!"

"How did those court trials go Harry? Did those Death.. those criminals get a fair trial? a fair verdict?" Hermione asked cautiously, not wanting Harry to be made uncomfortable, she knew it put him on edge talking about the war and Death Eaters.

"It was difficult to hear, to relive some of the most horrific parts of the war. But they all got what they deserved. I had to give evidence for a few trials, particularly the Malfoys." Harry turned from sad to a bit pissed off, having to sit in that court listening to all the atrocious things Lucius Malfoy did was sickening.

"I hope you dobbed that prat Draco right in it, I bet he's locked in Azkaban right now." Ron gave a little laugh thinking of the Malfoy's misfortune.

"2 years probation." Harry spoke emotionless.

"What?! Only two years of probation, that bloody git deserves life! What did you tell them Harry?" Ron bellowed, furious that the boy who made their lives a misery and was a convicted Death Eater got such a light sentence.

"I told them the truth, Draco did save my life, as did his mother. Even though I hate them, it didn't mean I could lie in court about them. Lucius got a full 10 years in Azkaban so something good came of it." A small smile graced Harry's lips, he did bloody hate Lucius. 

"At least we can put that behind us all now and look forward to this coming year." Hermione said smiling. "Right, off to bed now the both of you! We have to be up early for a day shopping in Diagon Alley tomorrow!"

"Yes mum." Ron muttered, causing Harry to laugh.

They all went to their separate rooms in order to get a full nights rest before the commotion of modern day London. Harry settled down in his bed with a smile on his face knowing how good it is to be back with his friends once again.


"Right Ronald, go on you first!" Ron stepped up to the fireplace, taking a large handful of floo powder, throwing it at his feet.

"DIAGON ALLEY." He shouted and burst into green flames, being transported away. They had all woke up early, had a large breakfast, complements of Mrs Weasley and are now on the way to Diagon Alley. One by one, they took their turn on the floo network, Harry being sure to announce his destination VERY clearly this time around. Soon the group, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny were stood in Diagon Alley, the street bustling with witches and wizards of all kinds, kids running around getting all the school supplies needed for the coming year.

"We should get our books first, then robes and Quidditch gear." Hermione stated, obviously having planned out their trip.

The group of four made there way around Diagon Alley with many people coming up to them and thanking Harry Potter for saving them from Voldemort. Harry however, didn't want or feel like he deserved any praise, he felt embarrassed and guilty that while he was being given his supplies for free and having people gush over him, many people were laying dead because of him.

Harry's breathing picked up as a group formed around him asking him all kinds of questions from, "How does it feel to be hero?", to,  "Can you sign my tits?". Muttering a quick apology, Harry ran away from the group, knowing the signs of a panic attack. He ducked in a little book shop hoping to escape the crowds, and relaxed, sitting in one of the aisles. It was a dirty, dusty little shop he was in and he could hear muttered voices from the counter.

"Sorry but I can't just given them away now can I?" An older mans voice yelled, obviously pissed at someone.

Harry peered his head around the aisle and saw an older gentleman, looking very unamused. Harry looked around further and saw him. Silver-blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Please" muttered Draco, "I need them, since my father was locked up we lost everything." Draco looked desperate, pathetic really. Thin and lost. He was wearing muggle clothes, a pair of black skinny jeans and a black hoodie, not his normal wizard finery Harry was used to seeing him in.

"I don't care, I don't want scum like you in this shop, get out, fucking Death Eater."

Harry cringed at the insults as did Draco. Draco turned and trudged out the shop, looking like he was about to cry. After a while Harry did the same, slipping out of the shop hoping to find his group of friends again.

"Harry!" He heard Hermione shout and ran over to meet up with them again.

"Sorry about that before guys, it got a bit much." Harry apologised for running he was obviously embarrassed by the ordeal. He really hated the spotlight.

"Don't worry about it mate." Ron assured sympathetically, "Guess who we just seen anyways." Tone shifting from kind, to hate filled.

"That bloody wanker Draco Malfoy" Ron spat before Harry even had a chance to guess, "You'd think he'd know better than to show his face 'round here. Why is he even here?"

"I don't know but I really don't want to think about him." Harry dismissed Ron's questions and tried to push the little interaction he saw with Draco moments ago out of his mind.

"Come on guys, lets finish shopping and get to King's Cross, we don't want to miss the train." Hermione said trying to diffuse some tension. The group then wandered off down Diagon Alley to finish their little shopping spree before the train ride to Hogwarts.


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