CHAPTER 5. Don't tie your smooth shiny curls with whom I'm in love with

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"What will be the results?" Toni asked nervously.

"Don't worry! We were awesome." Zade assured her. They were waiting for their photography results. Almost one week had past since the day they went to the pool party and then the garden. Toni, Zade and Jake met everyday and went to new place to hangout. They had come closer as the time swung.

"Almighty Jake is with you." Jake appeared with a smirk  and sat with.them. Toni plastered a fake smile at his pathetic sarcasm.

They were in Zade's house and their mother's were busy chatting and cooking. They were to receive a call if they held any position in the competition. When Zade and Toni had submitted their clicked photos, they were astounded to see such beautiful pictures by their competitors and Toni lost the hope of winning.

Rubbing her palms together, she tried to drain down her anxiety.

The phone started ringing and Toni almost jumped in excitement.

"Hello." Zade attended the call and put it on speaker.

"Goodmorning sir, is this Zade Harrington?" The girl on the other line asked.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"Congratulations Zade you and your partner Tonya have  won the second position in the competition. According to our promise, you both will get a free dinner at the seven star hotel after one week from the result. The details will be messaged to you. Thank you for participating."

It was the best moment for Toni. She screamed and laughed in joy.

"Congratulations "Jake greeted her and hugged her. She blushed and thanked him

"I told you that we were awesome." Zade smirked and took her by surprise by hugging her. It seemed like the whole world just stopped revolving and her stomach did  a black flip. She was overwhelmed with the hug. If hugging the most sexiest guy on the earth felt like this then god knew what felt like..

Their mother's congratulated them and had baked some cookies as well. Toni was happy by seeing the grin on Zade's face because she knew he wanted to be first. It really didn't matter for her to be first or second. But it did matter to have a position.

"Oh my god! I'm soo happy that you'll both go on a date." Zade's mom Casandra, as she preferred her name, was delighted to hear this news. She clapped her hands and kissed Zade's cheeks. Casandra was fond of Toni and admired her a lot. She wanted her son to hang out or date the beauty. She also tried ways in past to make them come close but all her efforts proved to be wrong.

After half an hour of listening to their mom's chatter, Toni,Zade and Jake departed.

"What's your plan today, Toni?" Jake asked. She had no special great plans and had decided to start a new novel.

"No great plans. What about you?" Toni was curious to know their plans, especially Zade's

"We are sneaking out. Join." Zade answered and smirked.

"Yoy mean getting high and partying all night." She scoffed. She was well aware about their habits and continued, "no. But thanks for the invitation."

"C'mon Toni don't be a coward. We know you don't like attending such kind of parties but maybe you'll enjoy. You aren't that bad." Jake stood in front of Toni folding his arms. She really appreciated his invitation but she had also read in books what happened to innocent girls who went to the these types of party dor the first time. She looked innocent from outside but her mind was a little dirty. No that much.

"I think she'll not agree like this." Zade winked at her and pulled out her hair band. Her ponytail was untied and her hair were open reaching her mid waist.

Toni liked her curly ponytail and didn't let her hair open loose.

"Don't tie your smooth shiny curls with whom I'm in love with." Zade teased her. She flushed by hearing his compliment but at the same time was all over him for getting her hairband back.

"Give it back to me." She warned.

Zade grinned and threw it to Jake. Now jake was with the hairband. She approached him and he threw it back to Zade. She chased the two men continuously but the results were negative.

Annoyed, she headed towards her home. Both the men blocked her way.

"You want it. Then get it." Zade held the band in his hand and as Toni tried to take it back he took his arm up high in the hair. Due to his lengthy height she couldn't reach her purple hairband.

She was totally Devastated by this time. "I think this will suit your hair. Keep it as a gift and if you want more than you can ask me. Same for you Jake." She plastered a fake smile and turned around.

"Thanks." They both said in unison. What? Toni thought. They both were the real Jerks, even though one happened to be her crush.

"By the way, I wasn't kidding about your hair. Yoy should really leave them open they look good on you." Zade screamed from behind. She didn't turn around to comment because she was already blushing with a smile and had turned into a red tomato till she reached her room.

She called her friend as it was a Saturday night, there schedule to talk. Chloe accepted the call after one ring.

"Miss. Tonya. How were your results?" Chloe enquired.

Toni narrated the whole incident. She told her about Zade, her crush not a mini crush and how they spent time together. She told her how unintentionally they collided with each other during their work, how she flushed with his sarcasm or by his teasing, how her heart skipped a beat when he hugged her and how he annoyed her at times.

"Woah girl. It seems like more than just a teenage crush." Toni's best friend remarked.

"It's just a crush. I'll get over it soon" Toni assured but deep down she knew she was caught in the trap.

"I don't think so. I know my Toni and I know she never felt like this for anyone."

"Chloe, it's just hormonal changes." Liar Toni.

"Have you tried to confess him about your feeling?"

"What?" Toni was astounded by Chloe's question. "I told you before thay we both are opposite poles. "

"And my dear friend you know that opposites attract."

"That just happens only in science. Okay."

"Listen Toni. Whatever info gave me about your so called precious time spent with Zade, it seems like he likes you too. Maybe he wants to date or something. He just told you that he didn't find anyone worth it but he didn't mention that he doesn't date. So maybe you are it for him. The way he spends time with you and teases you it seems like more than just  friendship. Think carefully Tonya and find out about his feeling. But if you really want to follow my advice, then be brave and confess your feelings because there is no harm in it. Even if things didn't work, which I guess will not happen in any case, just remember that you both are neighbors and will remain friends no matter what. But I know that everything will work." She took a pause and continued "okay, just remember my advice. Now got to go my lovely boyfriend has arrived to pick me up." She hung up before Toni could utter a word.

Chloe's advice was continuously floating in her mind. She dragged herself onto the bed with her drawing book and shading pencils. She wanted to complete her portrait.

Reality slapped in when she noticed that the image had changed. She had decided on making an imaginary portrait but with utmost astonishment that portrait was formed into a very beautiful face. Tje face of Zade's. Unknowingly she had sketched Zade's portrait. She lay down on her bed with the portrait on her stomach.

"Either I've to get over Zade before I become crazy or I have to follow Chloe's advice."

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