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Waking up to a soft chill, the barely lit room as he got off the couch to breath. The wet feeling was gone besides the bit of sweat on his face. Feeling strange but, what wasn't. As he got up more calmly he caught the whiff of what seemed to be pancakes as he looked behind to the kitchen. There instead was another being, one of darker skin and tentacles of whitish gold. What was most apparent to him however where the magenta eyes of theirs, seeming to remind them of someone putting them in a bit of a trance before being snapped back to reality as the other looked to them.

"Oh, your up. Thought you'd be a late sleeper like Parigo" They would speak, their voice of calm yet almost a hidden deep undertone.

"I haven't slept well lately.." Sebastian would reply as he stretched a bit.

"Probably not. Parigo filled me in on the situation.. I'm W by the way" The would reply as they got out a couple of plates to put the pancakes onto.

"I see.." Sebastian would reply, unsure of whether to repeat anything, simply looking awkwardly since most of it was really him just venting his frustration to a complete stranger. Coming to a bit of a too late realization that that is what he had been doing this whole time, trusting them but what else could he really do but go along with it?

"I made pancakes, better eat them before they get cold" They would say as they looked to them. "Parigo should be here in a few minutes."

"Okay. Thanks" Sebastian responded as he got up to sit on the weird bar table. The seats sadly not swiveling, probably from rust as he looked to the plate. Besides the plate was a fork and knife as well as some jam and honey, the smell of it stronger now.

Sebastian hadn't eaten in ages, however he never usually did besides the brief slice of bread, everything was inedible to him really as he spent most of his time consuming magic and trying to survive. Taking it slow to eat while the other was making more, trying to digest it without gagging slightly as the plain slice went down his throat, unpleasant but not terrible.

A few minutes later a Parigo would walk in, wearing what seemed to be his deep blue coat except with black padding and dark tinted glasses. The small hint of an unknown aura wavering on him. Upon closer inspection were hints of blackish and deep purple sludge dripping on the sleeves as he removed his coat and placed in a barrel like bucket. He sighed as he walked over to sit by Sebastian, W comin over to offer a plate.

"Seems you had fun out there." W said as they put down the plate, Parigo looking to them a bit annoyed, but otherwise calm

"It went alright I guess-" He responded as he poured honey on his cakes, Sebastian looking to the two peculiarly.

"Missions? I thought you two weren't agents?" He murmured, lookin to them perplexed.

"Well we don't work for them, we are sort of our own faction"

"We don't like their ideals, so we just carry out our own side quests and help others like you when we can."

"Like me?.. So their are others that they capture?"

"Sort of, I guess I'll have to explain in more detail"

A long time ago the universes used to be separated, one would never know of the other's existence. As technology and magic grew however these possibilities began to link and with these link brought upon disaster with lack of communication and inequities. So the councils where formed. The Councils however want to continue controlling beings, make sure their registered, marked and everything pertaining to imprisonment and rule in the multiverse.

"We however don't want that, so we work to keeping as many people away and knowledgeable as possible." Parigo would but in, "Which is why your here with us now"

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